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Sony’s PS5 Pro is up to three times faster, may arrive holiday 2024

Sony’s PS5 Pro is up to three times faster, may arrive holiday 2024


Sony’s own first-party studios have reportedly been testing PS5 Pro devkits for months.

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The PlayStation 5 console on a wooden table
Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Sony is reportedly working on a PlayStation 5 Pro model that may well include a far more powerful GPU that’s up to three times faster for certain tasks than the existing PS5 models. YouTuber Moore’s Law is Dead claims to have gotten access to a technical overview document for the PS5 Pro, codenamed Trinity, and now Tom Henderson at Insider Gaming reports that the leaked specifications are accurate and the console is currently set to release during the holiday 2024 period.

Screenshots from the technical document include a mention of 67 teraflops of 16-bit floating point calculations, which works out to around 33.5 teraflops of single-precision compute. That reportedly works out to a 45 percent rendering performance improvement over the PS5. The existing PS5 is a 10.28-teraflop console, but comparing teraflops directly between these consoles is complicated due to changes in AMD’s RDNA architecture. While it sounds like tripling the teraflops would be a significant performance increase on the GPU side, comparing the base PS5 and PS5 Pro would be closer to 10.28 teraflops vs. around 17 teraflops.

It looks like Sony might be moving from what’s effectively an AMD Radeon RX 6700 inside the PS5 to something close to the Radeon RX 7800 XT. This could offer more impressive performance for ray-traced games. The PS5 Pro may offer 3x the ray tracing performance as well (“x4 in some cases”), Henderson reports.

On Sunday, Henderson added more details, like that the Pro would follow the recent PS5 redesign with support for a detachable disc drive. He’s also saying the PS5 Pro could have system memory running at 576 GB/s (a 28 percent boost over the PS5), as well as better performing audio hardware capable of processing more effects. The PS5 Pro is also said to have the same CPU as the base PS5, with a “High CPU Frequency Mode” that boosts clocks up to 3.85GHz. That would represent a 10 percent performance boost over the standard PS5, however, Henderson reports that activating it would mean slowing the GPU by about 1.5 percent.

The original leak of documents, which were reportedly posted to Sony’s own developer portal, also mention PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR). This is rumored to use PlayStation machine learning for image upscaling that’s similar to Nvidia’s DLSS or AMD’s FSR. This may well include upscaling to 8K resolutions in future versions and will help improve ray tracing performance on this rumored PS5 Pro hardware.

While Moore’s Law is Dead hasn’t always been the most reliable source for console leaks, Henderson’s reporting suggests that Sony’s own first-party studios have been testing PS5 Pro devkits since September, with third parties getting access in January. Henderson previously reported last year that a PS5 Pro was being planned with a target release date of November 2024. It sounds like Sony may well be on target to hit that ambitious timeframe.

Update, March 17th 7:15PM ET: Article updated with more leaked PS5 Pro specs and updated GPU information.