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TENSIONS between India and Pakistan after the Indian government stripped Kashmir of their special status on August 5.

But what does that mean and what is the Kashmir conflict about? Here's what we know.

 Unrest is expected to brew in India after the government revoked Article 370
Unrest is expected to brew in India after the government revoked Article 370Credit: EPA

What’s the latest India-Pakistan news and what is Article 370?

On August 5, India's government revoked part of the constitution that gives Kashmir a special status.

India and Pakistan have fought many conflicts over Kashmir.

Article 370 guarantees significant autonomy for the Muslim-majority state of Kashmir.

But now that it has been stripped that, which was the main justification for being a part of India - an important point for Kashmiris.

India's parliament is now expected to pass a bill splitting Indian-administered Kashmir into two territories governed directly by Delhi.

Pakistan has condemned the move and said it is illegal.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said: "India is playing a dangerous game which will have serious consequences for regional peace and stability."

On August 8, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared on state television to defend the government's decision.

He said: "The scrapping of Article 370 is the beginning of a new era."
Modi also said that the special status had been used as a weapon by Pakistan to "instigate some people", but now India would rid the region of "terrorism and terrorists".

He added: "There will be a lot of development. All the citizens will be given their rights."

At least 300 people - including politicians, activists, business leaders and professors - have reportedly been detained.

And the area has been on a lockdown since Sunday, August 4 - with  mobile, landline and internet networks cut off.

 Tensions between India and Pakistan escalated in Febraury as air strikes against Pakistani militants were launched
Tensions between India and Pakistan escalated in Febraury as air strikes against Pakistani militants were launchedCredit: Reuters

What is the Kashmir conflict about?

The region of Kashmir has always been a contentious issue even before India and Pakistan won their independence from Britain.

The local ruler of the region chose India because Kashmir was free to accede to either India or Pakistan.

Many people who live in the region do not want to be controlled by India - they want independence or a union with Pakistan.
The inhabitants of Kashmir are more than 60 per cent Muslim making it the the only state within India where they are in the majority.

There has been violence in the area since 1989 but fresh violence hit the area after the death of a militant leader in July 2016.

India launches airstrikes in Pakistan and sends 10,000 troops into disputed Kashmir

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