All about Buddha Teachings Stories, Buddhism in English

All about Buddha Teachings, Quotes, Buddha Stories & Buddhism in English | Buddha teachings on life | Encyclopedia of Buddhism Online

What are Buddha’s teachings?

Buddha’s teachings are practical and show the path to achieving freedom from all suffering and leading toward enlightenment.

The Buddha’s teachings result in the cultivation of wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness.

The Buddha’s teachings are often referred to as the “Dharma,” which means “law of nature” which are same for one and all.

Teachings of all the Buddha in English

The teaching of all the Buddhas is summarized into just three points.

Point 1: Avoiding all sinful actions means any action which harms others or which disturbs the peace and harmony of others is a sinful action or Bad Karma.

Point 2: Perform Pious actions or perform Good Karma.

Point 3: Purify the mind for which Bhagavan Buddha has given the vipassana meditation technique through which anyone and everyone can purify their mind. As much as you practice that much you can purify. So that’s it, these three points are the teaching of all the Buddhas.


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What are The Four Noble Truths? / Four noble truths of Buddhism

The Four Noble Truths are one of the most fundamental teachings of the Buddha.

Suffering exists.
Suffering arises from craving and attachment.
Suffering can be overcome.
There is a path to the end of suffering, known as the Eightfold Path.


In Buddhism, dukkha is a term that is commonly translated as “suffering”. It refers to the fundamental suffering or dissatisfaction that is inherent in the human experience.

This suffering can take many forms, including physical pain, mental or emotional suffering, and the general sense of dissatisfaction that can arise from the impermanent nature of all things.

The concept of dukkha is central to the teachings of the Buddha, who maintained that dukkha is an inescapable part of life and that it is caused by ignorance, craving, and aversion.

According to the Buddha, the way to end dukkha is to understand the nature of reality and cultivate the attitudes and practices that lead to peace and happiness. For this Buddha also gave a sermon on Sattipathana Sutta.


The Eightfold Path or What is the 8 fold path in Buddhism is a practical guide for living in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings. It consists of Sheel, Samadhi, and Pragya (wisdom)
The Sheel, Samadhi, and Pragya are further divided into 8 steps and hence eightfold path.
Right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

Other key teachings of the Buddha include the concept of karma, which holds that one’s actions have consequences in this life and in future lives; the practice of mindfulness, which involves being present and aware in the present moment; and the cultivation of compassion, which involves showing kindness and understanding towards all.


Buddha Quotes:

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”



“Your mind must not be shaken under any adverse circumstances”

The philosophy of the Buddha?
Buddha was never interested in any philosophies and he showed humanity the practical path to end suffering.

The Four Noble Truths are fundamental teaching of the Buddha, which outline the nature of suffering and the way to end it. The Eightfold Path is a practical guide for living in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings or Buddha philosophy if you want to call it that way.

What does Buddhism mean?
First, you need to understand that Gautam Buddha never founded Buddhism.


Buddha in his entire life didn’t convert anyone to Buddhism and in fact till 500 years after Buddha passed away, the word Buddhism never existed.

Buddhism is considered a religion or philosophy that originated in ancient India with the base of the teachings of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama.

The goal of Buddhism is to end suffering and achieve nirvana, a state of ultimate enlightenment and liberation from suffering. The path to achieving this goal is through the cultivation of wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness.

The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are central teachings of Buddhism, which outline the nature of suffering and the way to end it.

Buddhism does not involve the worship of a deity, instead, it emphasizes individual spiritual practice and the cultivation of personal insight and understanding.

Once it was asked to Bhagwan Buddha, what is the right way to pray and pay respect to Buddha and he explained the right way to pray or worship is to sit straight, close your eyes and meditate.


Buddha stories:

There are many stories associated with the life of the Bhagwan Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. Here are a few stories that are commonly told about the Buddha:

The Birth of the Gautam Buddha: The Buddha was born as a prince in a royal family in ancient India. This was his last birth. There is now no more coming to be after maha parinirvana.

The Four Sights: As a young man, the Buddha was sheltered from the suffering and hardships of the outside world. However, one day he left the palace and saw an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a monk. These sights are said to have inspired him to seek a way to end suffering and to find the ultimate truth himself.

The Great Renunciation: The Buddha left his life as a prince and renounced his wealth and status to pursue spiritual enlightenment. He spent six years practicing various forms of asceticism, but ultimately rejected this path and instead followed the Middle Way, a path of moderation and balance.

The Enlightenment: After years of spiritual practice, the Buddha achieved enlightenment, or nirvana, under the Bodhi tree. From that point on, he spent the rest of his life teaching others about the path to end the suffering.

The Parinirvana: The Buddha’s death, or mahaparinirvana, is said to have occurred at the age of 80. According to tradition, he passed away in a state of deep meditation, surrounded by his followers.

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FAQ about Buddhism or Buddha teachings:

In Buddha’s teachings, Can someone drink alcohol?

According to the Bhagwan Buddha’s teachings the use of intoxicants, including alcohol, can lead to carelessness and harmful actions and can interfere with the development of mindfulness and clear judgment.

In the 5 sheels, abstaining from intoxicants is very clearly mentioned because that causes carelessness or harm. As a result, Buddhists choose to abstain from consuming alcohol.

Do Buddhist believe in god?

Buddhism is a non-theistic religion, which means it does not involve the worship of a deity. The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, taught that the concept of a God is not necessary for the attainment of enlightenment.

Instead of worshipping gods, Buddhists focus on doing meditation and in the process develop wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness.

What are the teachings of Buddha called?
The Basic Teachings of Buddha are included in the Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path.

Other key teachings of the Buddha include the concept of karma, which holds that one’s actions have consequences in this life and in future lives; the practice of mindfulness ie vipassana meditation, which involves being present and aware in the present moment.

What is the meaning of the word Dhamma or Dharma?

Dhamma in Buddhism or Dharma in Hindusim means the law of nature which is applicable to one and everyone. Most people nowadays confused Dhamma or Dharma with Religion.

Facts About Buddhism

Buddhism is an important world religion that started in India around 2500 years ago
Buddhism is one of the world’s major religions and is practiced in most east Asian countries such as Thailand, Japan, China, etc.
Buddhists do not believe in a god that created everything
Siddhartha Gautama became known as the Buddha and one more Buddha is to be born in the Kalpa with the name Ari Mitra.
The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are central teachings of Buddhism, which outline the nature of suffering and the way to end it.

What do Buddhists believe about?

Buddhists believe in the law of cause and effect, which holds that one’s actions have consequences in this life and in future lives.
Buddhists believe that all things are constantly changing, and that attachment to temporary things leads to suffering.
Nirvana: Buddhists believe that the ultimate goal of spiritual practice is to achieve nirvana, a state of ultimate enlightenment and
liberation from suffering.

Do Buddhist believe in god?

Buddhist teachings don’t believe in a creator god as such who is considered omnipotent. However, states that there are divine beings called devas and Brahmas who live a very long life (sometimes translated as ‘gods’) and heavens, and rebirths in its doctrine of saṃsāra, or cyclical rebirth.

Do Buddhists believe in sin?

Yes, all the Buddhas have talked about sinful actions or non-pious actions which bring misery.

Do Buddhist believe in heaven?

Yes, it is mentioned very clearly about 31 planes of existence out of which 6 deva Loka and 16 Roop Bramaloka, and 4 Aroop Bramloka.

Do Buddhists drink alcohol?

Anyone who is fully developed in Buddha’s teaching will never drink alcohol as it is strictly prohibited in the 5 sheels or percepts.



Why do Buddhists shave their hair off?

For advanced meditators, fashion is also not to be the focus, and ridding of hair serves as a symbol of renunciation of a worldly fashion.
In Buddhism, shaving your head (and face) is part of Pabbajja. Pabbajja is when a person leaves their home and “goes forth” to live the life of a Monk.

How many wives can Buddhism have?

Only one husband and wife till one has not renounced the world.

Are girls allowed in Buddhism as monks?
Yes, women are equally capable of reaching the highest levels of spiritual enlightenment as men.
Gautam the Buddha allowed Mahāpājapati to become the first bhikkhuni and therefore the head of the Order of Bhikkhunis.

What are the 5 rules or 5 percepts of Buddhism or in vipassana meditation that Bhagwan Buddha taught?

Five precepts or 5 rules for Vipassana meditation:

Abstain from killing any living creature;
Abstain from stealing;
Abstain from all sexual activity;
Abstain from telling lies;
Abstain from all intoxicants.

What is negative or sinful action in Buddhism?

Any action which is performed with the base of a negative mind will be sinful or negative action. Mental volition before any action is the most important aspect and decides whether any action is negative or not.

What is the Buddha meditation technique?

Bhagwan Gautam Buddha taught the Vipassana meditation technique which in modern times was made famous and spread by the selfless service of Shri Sayagi Uba kin & Shri S N Goenka ji from Burma. Initially, it starts with Anapana (breath awareness and later Vipassana meditation technique).

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What is the Vipassana Meditation technique?

Vipassana meditation is India’s most ancient meditation technique. It was rediscovered by Bhagwan Gotama the Buddha more than 2500 years ago. The word Vipassana means seeing things as they really are. It is the process of self-purification by self-observation.

What Vipassana is:
It is a technique that eradicates suffering.
It is an art of peaceful living.
It is a method of mental purification that helps during life’s tensions and problems in a calm, balanced way.
Vipassana meditation aims at the highest spiritual goals of total liberation and full enlightenment.

Vipassana Preparation Tips for beginners U Must know to survive 10 Day Meditation course:



Vipassana meditation Course timetable

The following timetable for the course has been designed to maintain the continuity of practice. For best results students are advised to follow it as closely as possible.

4:00 a.m. ———- Morning wake-up bell
4:30-6:30 a.m. —– Meditate in the hall or your own room

6:30-8:00 a.m. ——Breakfast break

9:00-11:00 a.m. —–Meditate in the hall or your own room

11:00-12:00 noon —-Lunch break

12noon-1:00 p.m. —-Rest and interviews with the teacher
1:00-2:30 p.m. ——Meditate in the hall or your own room
3:30-5:00 p.m. ——Meditate in the hall or your own room

5:00-6:00 p.m. ——Tea break

7:00-8:15 p.m. ——Teacher’s Discourse in the hall
9:00-9:30 p.m. ——Question time in the hall

9:30 p.m. ———–Lights out & Sleep

Noble Silence during the vipassana meditation course:
All students must observe Noble Silence. Noble Silence means silence of body, speech, and mind. Any form of communication with a fellow student is
strictly prohibited. Students may, however, speak with the teacher if necessary and for that, you need to contact your course manager.


Can you study Buddhism online? Can you learn Buddhism by yourself and what is the best way to learn Buddhism?

Yes, one can learn about Buddhism online BUT only the theoretical aspect, real benefits will only happen once you learned the practical aspect of Buddha teachings which is Vipassana Meditation.


Are Buddhism courses are free?

Please note vipassana meditation all over the world is 100 percent free. ALL living expenses, food, and teaching are 100 percent free. After the course, students have the option to pay donations depending upon one’s own capacity but no meditation center is allowed to ask for any money from any student whether suggested or otherwise. Follow the link for free Buddhism courses all over the world

Please note above free vipassana course (real teachings of Buddha) doesn’t give any certificate but you learn the ultimate wisdom to be happy and peaceful. Vipassana course has to be learned residentially first time for the 10 days duration. After attending once face to face with the teacher one can practice at home.


Benefits of the Vipassana 10-day course

The Vipassana course helps one live peacefully and harmoniously with oneself and with others. I can say with experience that the kind of peace which you experience during and after the course is impossible to experience otherwise.

Reduces stress while increasing mental equanimity.

Improvement in concentration and work efficiency, effective decision-making, gentle speech and harmonious feelings toward others.

You experience a reduction in mental impurities.

The list of benefits is endless…

3 Simple rules for a happy life #buddhism in English #happiness


What is the goal of Buddhism?
The final goal of Buddha’s teaching or Buddhism is to end all suffering and attain enlightenment, which is a state of understanding the true nature of oneself and being free from suffering and the cycle of death and rebirth.

What is the role of meditation in Buddhism?
Meditation is the most important aspect of Buddhism, as it helps to calm the mind and develop concentration. Through meditation, practitioners can gain insights into the nature of true reality both body and own minds, and cultivate positive qualities naturally such as compassion and equanimity.

What is the significance of the Buddha’s teachings?
The Buddha’s teachings, known as the Dharma or Dhamma, are considered to be a path to enlightenment and a way to end suffering. They provide guidance on how to live a meaningful and ethical life, and how to cultivate equanimous mental states and qualities.

What is the role of the sangha (Buddhist community) in Buddhism?
The sangha provides support and guidance for practitioners (both Monks and householders) on the path to enlightenment. It also helps to preserve and transmit the teachings of the Bhagwan Buddha.

How does Buddhism or Buddha’steachings view the concept of self?
In Buddhism, the concept of self is seen as being illusory and impermanent. The Buddha taught that the idea of a permanent, unchanging self is an illusion and that our sense of self is actually composed of constantly changing physical and mental processes. This concept is known as anatm bhaav, or “no self. Everyone can experience this state of constant change also known as Bhanga but one needs daily practice and deep long courses of vipassana meditation.

What is the concept of rebirth in Buddhism?
In many schools of Buddhism, the concept of rebirth, (or reincarnation in Hinduism), is believed to be a part of the cycle of death and rebirth known as samsara.

According to this belief, after death, the consciousness of a being is reborn in another body, and this process continues until the being eradicate all the ignorance and stock of past sangharas and attains enlightenment, and is liberated from samsara.

What is the role of ethics in Buddhism?
The Five Percepts or Ethics or sheel are an important aspect of Buddhism, as they help practitioners to live in a way that is consistent with the teachings of the Buddha and the goal of ending suffering.

What are the main texts of Buddhism?
There are many texts that are considered to be important in Buddhism, including the Pali Canon, which is a collection of the Buddha’s teachings as recorded by his disciples, and the Mahayana sutras, which are texts that are specific to the Mahayana tradition.

What is the role of devotion in Buddhism?
Devotion, or faith, can play a role in Buddhism for some practitioners. Unless you develop devotion to Buddha’s teaching you will never take the first step towards Buddha Vipassana meditation. It can help to provide inspiration and motivation on the path to enlightenment.

What is the concept of karma in Buddhism?
In Buddhism, karma refers to the law of cause and effect, in which every action of a person whether mental, vocal, or physical has consequences for their future life. Good actions lead to good consequences, and bad actions lead to bad consequences. The concept of karma is often used to explain the suffering or happiness that a person experiences in their current life.

What are the three jewels of Buddhism?
The three jewels, or treasures, of Buddhism, are the Buddha, the Dharma or Dhamma (the teachings of the Buddha or the law of nature), and the Sangha (the community of practitioners). Buddhists take refuge in these three jewels as a source of guidance and support on the path to enlightenment.

What are the different schools or traditions of Buddhism?
The most important aspect of Buddha’s teachings of Buddhism is Vipassana meditation. In addition, there are several major schools or traditions of Buddhism, including Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Each of these traditions has its own unique teachings and practices, but they all follow the core teachings of the Buddha and seek to end suffering and attain enlightenment.

Important events in the life of Buddha:

The Birth of the Buddha: According to the tradition, the Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha in Lumbini, a city what is now in Nepal, near India Nepal Border.

His mother, Queen Mayadevi, gave birth to him while holding onto the branch of a tree.

The Four Sights: As a young prince, Siddhartha was protected from suffering in the outside world and was not aware of suffering.
However, one day he ventured beyond his palace walls and came across four sights that changed his life:
an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a monk. These sights inspired Siddhartha to leave his privileged life and seek enlightenment.

The Great Renunciation: Siddhartha left the palace and his family behind to become a monk and seek enlightenment. This event, known as the Great Renunciation, is considered a turning point in the Buddha’s life.

The Enlightenment of the Buddha: After many years of meditation and spiritual practice, Siddhartha attained enlightenment
and became the Buddha. This event, known as the Great Enlightenment, is considered the most important event in the Buddha’s life.

The First Sermon: After achieving enlightenment, the Buddha delivered his first sermon, known as the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, at Deer Park in Sarnath, near Varanasi city in India. In this sermon, he taught the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which are central to the Buddhist religion.

You can also meditate in the Vipassana meditation center 4 km near Sarnath where Buddha gave his first sermon.

I hope the above information and stories give you a sense of the life and teachings of the Buddha.

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