My winter cardigan
October 21, 2018
November 15, 2018

My winter cardigan

Project info
Ausable by Amy Christoffers
S? The second size listed
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
US 11 - 8.0 mm
Berroco Catena
10 skeins = 1200.0 yards (1097.3 meters), 500 grams

This is the warmest sweater I own. It’s because of the chainette yarn. Unbelievable.

Swatching and recharting while I’m soaking what I have knit so far on Nina’s sweater.

Instructions for moss stitch knit flat are a bit oddly stated. Could have perhaps been stated more clearly by indicating Row 1 is a WS row, which is why Row 2 is offset from row 1. (It’s easier to knits sts as they present on a WS row)


Instructions for body state first row is WS row. This is incorrect.

Working moss stitch in first row as follows: first and last st are stockinette selvedge stitch; work sts above ribbing opposite of how they present, to establish moss stitch; Work WS rows as stitches present; work row 3 offset from rows 1 and 2.


I didn’t realize when I ordered the yarn, and started knitting with it that this particular colorway has long color-shifting/ombre-like stripes. I’m thinking about the complications of using this yarn for a bottom-up raglan. Trying to decide how to handle this for the sleeves, which have about 1/3 as many sts as the body, and then for the transition to the yoke, which starts with about 40% more sts than the body, and then reduces down.

I will see how the colorway plays out up to the armholes, and then determine how to handle the sleeves. If I know about how many sts in an approximate stripe, I could use half of a stripe for each sleeve. The stripes would be a bit wider than on the body, but that will probably be okay. I would then need to find a way to widen the stripes at the transition to the raglan yoke.


Totally re-thinking this project combined with this yarn. I may return 8 of the 10 balls, and reorder another color that doesn’t shift colors.


Starting over with a different color.


Finished first skein. 11% complete


Just about up to the armholes. Not sure if I want to knit a few more rows, or not. May wait to see how yarn usage tracks on the sleeves. 40%

Working first st of sleeve rnd in knit as a “seam line.” When switching from ribbing to moss st, work sts opposite of how they present. Incs are done on either side of that k1 seamline. Working first inc at end of one round and second at start of the next round, so that they are lined up on either side of the k column.

Will keep track of which row of the repeat I’m on for sleeve and body so that when they are joined they are the same. This may require working an extra row or two for one or the other in order to make that happen. This will make working the repeats for the sleeves and back easier once they are joined together.

About 1/2 way up the first sleeve - 9’’. 45%


Body ended on last row of repeat 6; sleeve ended on last row of repeat 7. Body is supposed to be 15’’. Each repeat is just under 2’’, so I’m hoping the sleeve is long enough. I think I’ll be cutting things close on the yarn, as it is. I’ll see how the second sleeve goes and then decide on adding length.I might add a bit to the body length so that I can add to the sleeve length. Don’t want the sleeves to be too short.


finished ball 6. Two more repeats on the 2nd sleeve remaining. 63% finished.


Ripped back to the armholes and re-started the yoke. I had missed a few neck decreases, making them up on the WS, but then I realized I had screwed up one of the decrease lines, Had to pull back about a full ball’s worth of yarn. Back to 70%.


Ready for BO of the sweater body, but have to tink WS row I just worked, because I was suppose to have BO 3 sts at the start of it. Glad I looked at the instructions again, because the estab decs will also have to be worked on the final RS row.
84.5% complete


Buttonhole row: Pattern says to work ssk dec, but I worked k2tog, in order to keep the k st on top.


Just the bind off left to do! 99%


Used a US 9 to bind off the buttonbands, and a US10 in my right hand to BO the shawl collar, to keep it looser.

viewed 1149 times | helped 23 people
October 21, 2018
November 15, 2018
About this pattern
298 projects, in 1663 queues
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About this yarn
by Berroco
94% Merino, 6% Nylon
120 yards / 50 grams

897 projects

stashed 674 times

Rox's star rating
  • Originally queued: September 18, 2018
  • Project created: September 23, 2018
  • Updated: November 16, 2018
  • Progress updates: 23 updates