Sisyphus 55

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The Patron Archetype
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EARLY ACCESS: Within the collective unconscious, you are the universal and ancient symbol of The Patron: a giving figure of support. Your eternal nature gives you the ability to see the future before it occurs as per the rules of synchronicity.
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Nietzsche's Mad Ramblings
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Personal briefs about my thoughts on the week and what I've been reading and watching. I guess I could call them a weekly journal entry?

Diogenes the Cynic
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TRANSCRIPTS: You are the infamous Diogenes the Cynic, who would regularly defecate on the streets. Here's some reading material for one of your many, very public, visits to relieve yourself.
Don Juan
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VIDEO SHOUT-OUT: You love life for life itself, especially when life involves a steamy afternoon of passion. The first absurd hero, who seeks pleasure first and foremost in one's lovers, you require your name to be broadcasted to as many potential suitors as is possible.
The Hemingway Scotch-Tasting Club
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A monthly book club. Once a month, in the last week, I'll post my own thoughts and reviews on a book we have chosen.

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