The Spiffing Brit

Creating Tea... Constantly

  • 661 paid members
  • 36 posts
  • $2,914/month

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Gentleman / Gentlewoman Of The Empire
 / month
Congratulations you have received the rank of gentleman in The Second Tea Empire. Your role is above average as you are someone who is allowed to often taste the wonderful beverage of tea!

Your donation covers the cost of any ads on my video so feel free to use adblock now ;)

You will receive the Supporter discord rank and get a fancy colour and icon!

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Clan Chief Of The Empire
 / month
Clan Chiefs Rule of segments of the empire which are rather difficult to control for a Brit e.g. Slough and Scotland

This Is a large amount of money for a small youtube channel so it will probably go directly into upgrading equipment.

You will receive the Donator discord role, gain access to the Discord VIP section and get a fancy colour and icon!
  • Discord access 
Baron Of The Empire
 / month
A Baron/Baroness is a rank bestowed upon a fine person tasked with governing fairly and serving in the parliament of the empire.

Wow 20 dollars a month is really something. This can pay for a vast amount of my running costs on youtube. It even allows me to invest extra funds generated into savings to be used if ever things in the real world cock up. 
You will receive the Super VIP discord role, gain access to the Discord VIP section and get a fancy colour and icon!
This tier will also get your name added to the patreon list at the end of my videos!

  • Discord access 
Earl Of The British Empire!
 / month

Limited (54 of 68 remaining)

In The United Kingdom there are 68 Earldoms. All earls were tasked with governing over large regions of lands and organizing justice / tax collection. Earls were refereed to as Lords Or Ladys historically.

This is a crazy amount, but Bloody Heck If you want to try then knock yourself out!
You will receive the HUNDO STAT discord role, gain access to the Discord VIP section and get an extra fancy colour and icon!
This tier will also get your name added to the patreon list at the end of my videos!

  • Discord access 

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The Spiffing Brit

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