NEW POLL: Biden Opens Lead On Trump Thanks To HUGE Lead With Women


Biden Opens Lead On Trump Thanks To HUGE Lead With Women

President Joe Biden has opened up a sizable lead over former President Donald Trump in a new poll thanks to his massive 22-point lead with women voters.

Polling headlines have been dominated for months by surveys showing not the greatest news for President Biden, but a new Quinnipiac poll shows very positive signs for the president.

In the survey, Biden went from a virtual tie in the previous poll to a 6-point lead over Trump, with massive advantages among women and independents:

In Quinnipiac University’s December 20, 2023 poll, the same hypothetical 2024 general election matchup was ‘too close to call’ as President Biden received 47 percent support and former President Trump received 46 percent support.

In today’s poll, Democrats (96 – 2 percent) and independents (52 – 40 percent) support Biden, while Republicans (91 – 7 percent) support Trump.

The gender gap is widening.

Women 58 – 36 percent support Biden, up from December when it was 53 – 41 percent.

Men 53 – 42 percent support Trump, largely unchanged from December when it was 51 – 41 percent.

The worst news in the poll for Biden is that former Amb. Nikki Haley leads him in a hypothetical matchup, albeit with less than 50 percent — and a slate of third-party candidates seems to help Biden:

In a hypothetical 2024 general election matchup between President Biden and Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, a former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Governor, 47 percent of voters support Haley and 42 percent support Biden.

In today’s poll, Democrats (87 – 10 percent) support Biden, while Republicans (79 – 4 percent) and independents (53 – 37 percent) support Haley.

In a five-person hypothetical 2024 general election matchup that includes independent and Green Party candidates, Biden receives 36 percent support, Haley receives 29 percent support, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. receives 21 percent support, independent candidate Cornel West receives 3 percent support, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein receives 2 percent support.

With Trump clobbering his rivals in the first two GOP primary contests, the prospect of a Haley nomination is becoming more and more remote.

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