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New on Campus


Watch the 2024 Student Game Showcase

Check out all the original games and projects that DigiPen student teams spent the year collaborating on.


Class Select: Students Give NPCs a Piece of Their Mind in CS 380 Artificial Intelligence For Games

Instructor Steve Rabin teaches students the secrets that give game characters agency, personalities, and prowess in battle.

Our Students Are Amazing

Student Showcase
  • Ranked Top 50

    Ranked as one of the Top 50 Creative Schools in the Rookies Global School Rankings for 2023.

  • 514 Selections

    Student films from DigiPen's three global campuses have earned 514 awards and festival selections.

  • 2,000+ Games

    DigiPen alumni have helped ship more than 2,000 commercial game titles, including some of the most popular video games of all time.

  • 313 Awards

    Students from DigiPen's three global campuses have won 313 awards for game projects and academic papers.

Do What You Love.  Love What You Do.

We prepare students for a wide range of careers — doing the kind of work that challenges the mind and excites the imagination. Check out some examples of what our alumni have gone on to do after DigiPen.

Alumni Success
An image of DigiPen's viewbook

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Don’t miss any updates and get access to our digital viewbook!