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Roman Reigns asserts Bloodline authority with draft day power play

WWE hit all the rights note in the latest installment of the Samoan family squabbles.

At its current pace, WWE seems poised to catapult The Bloodline into a fourth brand, as the saga of the Samoan Dynasty soared to new levels on the latest episode of SmackDown.

Paul Heyman began the show by informing the world that Roman Reigns had chosen to pull out of the 2024 WWE Draft, which was the focal point of the night. Heyman highlighted Reigns’ impact on SmackDown since the pandemic and his status as the industry’s top star. He then explained that Reigns didn’t want to occupy the top draft spot since he wasn’t planning an immediate return, stating, “That is not what a real Tribal Chief would do.”

When Solo Sikoa arrived at the building later, he immediately demanded an update on The Bloodline’s draft status. Heyman, looking nervous, explained that Reigns had removed himself from the draft. That, along with the addition of new members like Tama Tonga, left Raw and SmackDown’s general managers uncertain about what to expect from the new Bloodline.

At that moment, a brooding Tonga emerged, but before viewers could get a resolution, Kevin Owens hit the scene and began brawling with Tonga. The melee spilled into the arena and saw Randy Orton come to Owens’ aid, setting the table for Orton and Owens to face Sikoa and Tonga next Saturday at Backlash.

A short time later, during round three of the draft, it was revealed that Heyman, Sikoa, and Tonga would remain on SmackDown. Announcer Corey Graves suggested that Sikoa and Tonga weren’t likely to be satisfied with being third-round picks, with Wade Barrett adding that Heyman must have negotiated the deal “rather rapidly.”

What WWE achieved here was nothing short of remarkable.

First, through Paul Heyman, WWE maintained Roman Reigns’ aura and influence despite his absence. His decision to withdraw from the draft was a subtle yet powerful move to assert his authority and remind Sikoa of his place within the family hierarchy. Without Reigns, The Bloodline’s value plummeted, evident in their late draft selection.

Additionally, Reigns’ withdrawal was presented in a way that further endears him to fans. Unlike his past behavior as champion, he did not flaunt his absence or use his mighty status selfishly. Again, through Heyman, Reigns acknowledged that his absence was unfair to the rest of the roster, and by withdrawing, it allowed others to make history in WWE’s new era.

Ultimately, the storytelling was incredibly effective, building anticipation for Reigns’ return and his eventual confrontation with Sikoa. Reigns’ portrayed benevolence versus Sikoa’s malevolence will likely fuel more “We Want Roman” chants as the months progress.

Meanwhile, the conclusion of this chapter also provided a hook for viewers, enticing them to see how Heyman resolved The Bloodline’s draft issues while continuing to tease Sikoa and Tonga’s thinning patience with The Wise Man.

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