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Trying to squeegee a helmet

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u/Jukka_Sarasti avatar

Nasty... The water in those washing stations is always gross as hell..

u/Conch-Republic avatar

Most of the time there's not even soap, they just put water in them.

You don't want soap on your windshield it's usually watered down windshield wiper fluid

u/AdultingNinjaTurtle avatar

and piss

Well stop peeing in them

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u/Able_Gap918 avatar

And bug guts

And oil

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u/Shoottheradio avatar

100%. I worked at a gas station for a while and this is exactly what you do you just pour windshield wiper solution in there.

The one I used to work at did a mix of washer fluid and warm soapy water. Every once in a while we'd get some genius who decided that if that washer fluid was free to use that meant they could just dump the whole fuckin thing to full up their washer fluid tank. We never did anything about it cause the self inflicted consequences were more than enough.

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u/Coffeedemon avatar

And whatever was accumulating on the 300 cars that were scraped since last they refreshed it.

Yes, half a bottle of fluid half water, (my old boss at the gas station I worked at told me to do this)

u/Cynykl avatar

Now a lot of stations use a dissolvable tablet.

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u/coreh17 avatar

I worked at a busy Sunoco for years.

In the summer the buckets were 100% water. In the Spring/Fall they were 50% water 50% windshield washer fluid. In the winter they were 100% windshield washer fluid.

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Decent window cleaner should evaporate, soap leaves a residue that can cause visibility issues in the right lighting.

And bug guts.

Someone lives in a warm climate lol

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I have always figured there is a greater than 0% chance it has piss In it.

u/KnotTyingBoyScout avatar

Bug guts and bird shit.

u/Eric_the_Barbarian avatar

Also reconstituted bug soup.

It smells like mold too.

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u/VanderHoo avatar

I swear the water tanks are also angled so you can't see the opaque dark grey sludge inside. Luckily the god awful smell gives it away.

yea what a dumbass I missed the part where this was supposed to be a funny video even if his visor didn't flip up

I'm in the south they're full of dead bugs.

u/stankyjanky69 avatar

I remember reading a while back that washer fluid is the perfect breeding ground for some particular nasty bacteria so I'm always careful when handling it. It's also one of the only fluids in your car besides gas that is flammable.

Free immune booster 😏

u/Jukka_Sarasti avatar

What doesn't kiil you conjunctivitis?

And gingivitis

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What did he think was going to happen... 🤔

he dead

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I work at a gas station. Have had homeless people piss in them, so much salt and dust sludge in the bottom of the thing that if you mix it up the liquid is pretty much white from the clear blue it's supposed to be. And that's after one day of dumping and cleaning then.

In Miami I can confirm that’s mostly pee after 11pm

OOOooh that smell!

I saw a literal shit in one once

And stink sooo bad, i never use them ughhh

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u/Casual_hex_ avatar

“Hey Carole, I’m calling about Frank, we went out riding and there was an accident.”

“Oh my god! Was he hit?!”

“No he uh,
he squeegeed his eyeballs.”

u/CarPlaneBoatRocket avatar

I could see this in an Archer or Bojack Horseman cartoon. Holy shit

Yeah uhhh no he’s fine just uhhhhh birdsh*t in his eyes

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u/treyb0mb1 avatar

Side to side, bro. Not up and down.

u/gladiatorbong avatar

i remember a few years ago seeing a dude on tiktok do it the up and down method really fast like the video so thats probably where he got the idea. and he did it very easily so maybe locking visor.

Same i totally saw that one and thought it was funny and cool, so he prob did too and wanted his own version 🤓🤌

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How to not die.

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As someone who loves riding motorcycles. Sometimes, I can't tell if being on a bike encourages you to do stupid things. Or if motorcyclists are stupid.

Little column A, little column B.

u/Lumivar avatar

Motorcyclist, can confirm.

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u/sleepydon avatar

Helmets have a locking mechanism for the visor. I've never had the temptation of doing this though. Would like to add the majority of my riding friends are dead now.


Helmets have a locking mechanism for the visor.

My helmet is right next to me and.... nope, no locking mechanism. ECE certified as well.

Would like to add the majority of my riding friends are dead now.

Is this some old people Facebook shit?

u/sleepydon avatar

It most likely does, you just don't know where it is. I'm not familiar with ECE, but on DOT helmets it's usually a push toggle switch on the left or right side of the visor and can only be engaged with the visor down. As for the second part, sure whatever.

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u/HonourableFox avatar

That logo looks like its for a porn site

LOOKS like the intro to a porn channel also. "I'm here to polish your helmet!"

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OMG! I am still laughing after watching it for the 5th time.

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u/AsparagusOwn1799 avatar

Goodness man, I know his eyes were burning like crazy

nice exfoliation though

u/YNinja58 avatar

Now that's how you get pink eye!

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u/Qurdlo avatar

Jeez dude I think I'd rather lick a toilet seat than get that shit in my mouth. Also helmets are expensive and I'd be worried about scratching the visor...

u/RailNetworker avatar

Visors are relatively cheap and easy to swap out. But he shouldn't be wearing a tinted visor at night as they reduce visibility.

u/Weak_Sloth avatar

I can name at least one more pressing thing in this video that reduces visibility.

u/Earguy avatar

The squeegee pressing into his eyes?

u/Weak_Sloth avatar

This ‘ere guy gets it.

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u/dvdmaven avatar

Back when I rode, my gloves had a small wiper blade attached to one of the thumbs. Very useful.

I've had my gloves for 3 years now and guess what this comment helped me identify?

u/CarPlaneBoatRocket avatar

You have hands?

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I have that on my ski gloves. Also incredibly useful.

I just figured out what that little rubber piece on my ski glove is for.

u/CarPlaneBoatRocket avatar

Also for forming lines on the chairlift ;)

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Thank you for making me watch it with sound. Made it that much funnier.

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u/RailNetworker avatar

Wearing a tinted visor at night is just nuts. Cleaner eyeballs aren't going to help you buddy.

u/lightreee avatar

yeah i noticed that too. I hope this stops him riding until the next morning or something. Essentially wearing sunglasses at night!

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Why did he just decide to go full blast with it?


That ended up being way funnier than I thought it would.

u/HappySkullsplitter avatar
u/-ARG-Smoker_1209 avatar

Intrusive thoughts won

As a motorcyclist myself, I laughed WAY too hard at this!!!!

Slow and low, that is the tempo

Pink-eye speedrun any %

And my first thought was the cleaning solution (assuming it wasn't extremely watered down) was going to strip the mirror coating off the visor as I've seen it before. This is some how both better and worse.

u/CrossDeSolo avatar

lmao that was funny

Wonder what hobo piss in the eyes feels like…?

Have you ever smelled the water from those. Bro 100% contracting something

Dude has eye aids now

More bird poop than windshield fluid…

u/rvasshole avatar

my dude overcommitted to the joke

That water is in the same category as dumpster juice, lol

That Daft Punk money ran out fast.

Why was anybody recording this in the first place?

u/recurve_balloon avatar

u/savevideo do your thing! lol

u/Prsaint1 avatar

Well now he could see better than before because he also squeegee his eyes balls 😂

I used one on my car windows.. Especially during the winter time, I believe it can be straight up salt water.. If your lucky, get a $3 car wash.


He wipes his ass in a similar fashion.

Ok that was worth the wait.


Oh man lol! The unnecessary speed of him scrubbing is icing on the cake

My reaction was 100% just "hee hee hee hee."

Dealing with some real brain power here.

What a loser

I worked at a gas station. One of my tasks was to empty and refill those resevoirs. The water in them is black.

wow. i have not laughed at one of these in a long time but this one got me. xD

i thought at worst the water would seep into the helmet.

The scary thing is, he’s allowed to drive.

He got exactly what he signed up for

That was funny

u/fluffy415 avatar

But why. Nasty

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

u/fuzzytradr avatar

This guy is a psycho lol

u/Radical_Ren avatar

What was the conversation leading up to this? Bro, record me for a sec.

Forgot he can take the helmet off before cleaning.

u/Southern-Relation626 avatar
u/poiuytrewq1234564 avatar

I laughed for a full minute. 60 seconds straight.

Dude.. that "fluid" in there always stinks like rotting piss.. probably because some jackass is always pouring piss bottles in it?

You got aids now


That scream, Jesus Christ

Should have done it sideways, rookie mistake

u/RedDawn850 avatar

Instant pink eye, bird flu, bubonic plague, hepatitis A-Z, and whatever else you can think of

u/Rude-Illustrator5704 avatar

-applies force in the same direction he would apply it to remove the visor

-confused as to why he now has nasty ass gas station water in his eyes mouth and nose

-say hello to brain eating amoeba

Soapy bug soup

u/CreativeInsurance257 avatar

The water in the squeegee bucket is the nastiest smelling water in the world.

Ain't nobody gonna talk about Bros poor eyes?

I pee in this sometimes when I’m in a hurry

u/Thatscrazy91 avatar

Trying to be funny

New tiktok pink eye challenge

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I've already watched this 5 times in a row. It's still funny

u/Realistic-Safety4341 avatar

Well it wouldn’t have gone as bad if he just didn’t bang the shit out of it.

That's why you do it side-to-side people.

I thought he was going to go side to side not up and down violently. What did he expect?

Well, when you squeegee like your jacking off!

I knew it was gonna happen and it still got me

u/Mulberry_Big avatar

Now he needs an Aids test😭

He's gonna get dysentery.

Should've went side to side 🤷🏿‍♂️

u/Komission avatar

Who the fuck squeeges like they’re trying to rip the glass off???

It’s such filthy water…

He just got conjunctivitis for sure

made my eyes burn seeing it lmao

As performance art, this is beautiful. In reality, not so much.

The point was definitely to get a funny video out of it. That being said

Task failed successfully.

Those things are nasty as hell. Most of the time they don't ever clean them out. They just keep adding fluid or water to them. I won't even use them on my windshield.

u/mikeyflyguy avatar

Bro didn’t understand the assignment

I've seen a homeless guy pee in one of those buckets at the gas station

I just woke my dog up laughing at this. This is definitely something my dumbass would’ve done.

Why was he doing it so rough??

Forget the pink eye, he’s got magenta eyes now.

u/Right_-on-_Man avatar

Epic fail dude. ManCard suspended

sounds like Woody

Opps and ouch

u/Ackapus avatar

When you do it like that, I'm not sure how you can be successful. 😂

ROFL what an idiot. That thing is so full of grit it will scratch up your face shield.

Well atleast he got a facial out of it

Nothing to worry about, just the bacteria from every car that washed with it. At least he is on tape for his heroics

u/idrawinmargins avatar

No way am I doing that to my helmet. Not only does that washer fluid stink and will make your helmet stink, those things will scratch the fuck out of your visor. Also it looks like dingle brains is wearing a tinted visor at night. Makes sense now seeing this.

He forgot the First Rule of using a Squeegee.

1st Rule. You have to be smarter than the Squeegee!

u/YutaniCasper avatar

There goes his eyes

Man that would sctach the fuck out of the visor there's alot of dirt and crap in that water and the squeegee itself

u/NotTheLairyLemur avatar

Riding with a tinted visor at night, that's how you know he's an idiot.

u/Deamonchild666 avatar

Chew spit in there!

u/the_brew avatar

How to get Legionnaires disease in 3 easy steps.

I saw a guy pissing in one of those once

All the marinated in windshield washer fluid bug parts will do wonders for his eyes.



Side to side dipshit!

u/Busy_Obligation_9711 avatar

Like whyyyyyy?!

u/jokeswagon avatar

That shit had ammonia in it which, over time, will cause cloudiness on your visor. Do not use glass cleaner to clean plastic.

All I can think of is a house episode with this as intro lmao

Click bait, like what did he think was gonna happen using that much force for no reason

Finally knows what his mom went through all those years.

People that don't understand physics.

Wait, does that cut?

u/georgeburnett1 avatar

There goes a $60 visor

Currently work at a gas station, this is horrible.

u/Accomplished_Emu_198 avatar

Probably scratched his shield too lol… those aren’t cheap either