Start Your Creator Business Without Feeling Lost & Overwhelmed

Learn the basics of branding, persuasion, writing, and marketing in a free primer course for the future of work.


Who Is This For?

It doesn't have to be complicated.

I've taught over 20,000+ creators.There is always one thing that they struggle with the most:Confidence, clarity, and execution around their brand, content, and products.That's why I created this free course.I feel like the basics of any field should be free to learn.(The basics are what get all of the results).But the personal systems and strategies that are unique to the individual, that's what creators charge for.This course is for you if:

  • You don't know what skills to learn that allow you to turn your creative work into a sustainable income.

  • You hear everyone talk about the opportunity in the creator economy but aren't sure where to start.

  • You don't understand the basics of marketing, sales, and persuasion because you've been given work your entire life (you haven't had to hunt for your own work).

  • You don't know what type of product or service to sell that will bring in the most revenue.

In this one-person business primer course, you will learn:

  • The Digital Economy – A solidified understanding of the new digital economy and how to take advantage of it.

  • The Creator Mindset – How to remove your money-dependence from your employer to earn for yourself.

  • Skill & Curiosities – How to blend your interests in a way that makes you unique.

  • The Evergreen Markets – How to position your content and products for maximum engagement and sales.

  • Products & Services – The best thing to sell at the start of your journey to make an income (relatively) fast.

  • Distribution Networks – How to get in front of more people to build an audience and find customers.

  • Awareness & Attention – Learn to capture attention no matter who is reading your content.

  • The Greatest Skill – Learn ethical persuasion and influence so you don't have to scam, cheat, or deceive your audience.

  • The Keys To Success – Start learning the optimal way by building in public.


Build The Base Of Your One Person Business With 13 Free Trainings

Create your niche of one, write 20+ foundational content pieces, and streamline your growth strategy.


Who Is This For?

It doesn't have to be complicated.

I've taught over 20,000+ creators.There is always one thing that they struggle with the most:Confidence, clarity, and execution around their brand and content.Creators are the biggest victims of comparison.They see someone that is 20 steps ahead of them, can't see the years of practice between that gap, and beat themselves up about it.If that creator is you, you're in the right place.But, let's make sure it's the perfect fit.These trainings are for you if:

  • You don't know how to make your interests interesting to other people. In other words, you feel like you can't incorporate your interests. You feel like you have to "stay in your lane."

  • You can't stop asking yourself, "What's my niche?" and it slows your ability to act, write, and create in a confident manner.

  • You don't have a base of high-performing content that forms the perception of your brand. Most creators have less than 10 ideas they are known for that they talk about 1000 different ways.

  • You struggle to write content that builds authority, but also differentiates you and leads to follower growth.

  • Your brand doesn't look like it deserves 1 million followers, and you are brutally aware of that.

If one of those points spoke to you, we are going to change that.


Who Is This Guy Spouting All Of This Non-Sense?

Just a guy obsessed with dissecting this for you.

I tried it all.eCommerce brands. Dropshipping. Digital art theme pages. Facebook ads. A fitness YouTube channel. Online surveys. Whatever... I tried it.After thousands of cold emails, a $3,000 loan from my dad, and sleepless nights trying to "crack the code," I was tired of it.Not only did I fail at all of these, I hated every second of it.Building the businesses was fun — like... really fun. You couldn't peal me from my desk and get me to eat.But finding customers that I had nothing in common with was not fun at all.I had no interest working with people I couldn't connect with personally.I had no interest building out projects for other people's passions.I was in it for the money, not the fulfillment of helping people develop themselves in the areas that excited me. The things I could talk for hours about.

Hey, I'm Dan

I am a brand advisor for 6-7 figure creators, consultants, and influencers.I’m the guy they come to when they want to go from starving artist to highly-paid (and highly-praised) internet phenomenon.

I'll keep this short.Building a personal brand was the solution to my problems.It helped me get out of the cold outreach, feast or famine freelancing cycle.It allowed me to talk about my interests, build a name for myself, and connect with some of the biggest names in the industry.It allowed me to build 3.2M+ followers in 4 years, which let me control my ideal day while pulling in $100,000 to $150,000 a month.Sometimes more, but I don't want to scare you away with numbers that sound way too big.Because of my creator journey, I was able to fund my software startup. That's what consumes most of my time nowadays.(All of this takes time, evolution, and strategy... but you get the point. I'm trying to persuade you into believing I'm qualified, which I think I am).I'll save the revenue screenshots for my other landing pages.But, building a name for myself via social media has allowed me to make 6 figures+ with each of the following:

  • Multiple digital courses on skill acquisition, business knowledge, and self-improvement

  • Freelance services like graphic design, web design, email marketing, and funnel creation

  • Consulting services for marketing, mindset, and productivity

  • Previous cohorts on marketing, sales, and mental performance

  • A community based around what I've learned growing on social media, marketing strategies, sales systems, and occasionally spirituality

  • I am launching a book later this year (and a software early next year). I guarantee these will hit 7 figures in sales in one year.

Again, this takes time.But, that doesn't mean you won't see results at the start.You can get life-changing results without being anywhere near my follower count. That's what allowed me to do this full time from the start.For a bit more authority, here are some people I've worked with.


What Exactly Do You Receive?

13 brand and content strategies.

Phase 1) Create Your Niche Of One

Stop trying to "find" your niche.That is what commoditized freelancers, agencies, and creators do.Instead, turn yourself into the niche and sell whatever you want (after you build distribution).This is how you recession-proof yourself.

  • Combine your skills, interests, and expertise into a brand that others can't copy.

  • If you don't have high-value skills, you will understand what you need to learn and how to learn them.

  • Use our "book to brand" strategy to create a clear lifetime content strategy that aligns with who you are (and will result in growth)

By The End
You will understand that your niche is not static. It evolves as you do. You won't have to think about "choosing the right niche" ever again.

Phase 2) Building A Content Base

Have you heard this advice?"Say 1 thing 1000 different ways."This is incredible advice, but not for beginners.You need to have 1 thing worth saying 1000 different ways.

  • Create 20+ foundational content pieces to solidify your authority in specific interests.

  • From those 20 pieces of content, learn how to multiply them into 100 more (make a lot of noise, hone in on signal).

  • Learn how to create impactful short-form content without relying on your looks, intelligence, or the ever-changing algorithm (so you can grow on any platform).

  • Use human psychology to get more engagement and profile clicks (so people actually follow you).

  • Learn to repurpose your short form content as tweets, Instagram posts or reels, TikToks, YouTube shorts, and community posts.

By The End
You will eliminate the uncertainty about what you should post on social media. You will have frameworks you can refer back to at any time.

Phase 3) Getting Eyes On Your Content

This is where 99% of beginner creators go wrong.You need eyes on your content if you want to grow. This should be obvious.If you have to rely on the algorithm, you prime yourself to quit early.Most people are not blowing up with the latest shiny object like TikToks, Shorts, or Reels.

  • Learn how to grow your audience without paying for shares or spending all day in big accounts comments.

  • Build friendships with people you actually like. These are the people that you will build with. Like a digital social circle.

  • Use the eyes on your content to iterate on your best ideas (so you can grow even faster in phase 4)

By The End
You will have a timeless strategy – not dependent on an algorithm change – to get eyes on your content.

Phase 4) Repurposing Your Ideas For Growth

From the outside, people don't realize what social media growth looks like.Some content pulls in a lot of followers, some doesn't.We want to leverage the f*ck out of the content that does.Once you know what content performs, you can repurpose it to grow on any platform, with any length of content.The short-form content you write in phase 2 is critical for this.

  • Turn your highest-performing content into Twitter threads, Instagram carousels, YouTube videos, or podcasts that will result in more authority and sales.

  • Grow faster by creating the depth (value) behind your short-form content.

  • Learn to funnel customers into your email list, products, or services with simple promotion frameworks.

By The End
You will have confidence in your ability to grow fast, control your income (when you have a product), and systemize your content creation.


How Are The Materials Delivered?

Not your average course.

Curriculum Recordings

You will receive the curriculum recordings from the previous cohort. You will also receive the recordings of the 4 bonus calls in this cohort.

Notion Systems

All of this will be guided with Notion pages that make it simple to strategize your brand and write your content – all in one organized place.

Refined Strategies

These strategies have been time-tested and refined for 3 years. Myself, clients, and students use these for clarity in their creator journey.


Download today to start your one-person business on the right foot.

13 Trainings With Real-World Walkthroughs

Step-By-Step Notion Templates For Brand & Content

A Solidified Niche Of One That Evolves As You Do

20+ Foundational Content Pieces That You Can Repurpose

Copyright Koe Enterprises


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Please double check your email for a welcome message, confirm that you received it, and be sure to drag it out of spam (if it landed there).This is a primer course for the full Digital Economics curriculum.When you're ready to upgrade, you will find instructions at the end of the curriculum.(Or you can just revisit this page).Enjoy!


Please Check Your Email For Your Login Information

Glad to have you inside my friend.Please double check your email for a welcome message, confirm that you received it, and be sure to drag it out of spam (if it landed there).I hope you enjoy the free course.When you're ready to monetize your creative work, check out Mental Monetization.


Hero Sections

This is a simple Hero Section

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This is a Hero Section in center

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Features Sections


Two Columns

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Four Columns

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Modals Sections

Buy Package

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Testimonials Sections


Simple Testimonial

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John Apple - Orangier

CTA Sections


CTA Section with underlined theme

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CTA Section
with colored theme

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CTA Section
with colored theme

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Simple Pricing Table


Simple Pricing Table (1)

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Simple Package

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

$22 == / month==

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Simple Pricing Table (2)

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Simple Package

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Lorem ipsum

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Consectetur adipiscing

Magna aliqua

$22 == USD==

No strings attached.
Cancel anytime.

Footer Sections

Made with in El Salvador, CA

Published with Carrd // All rights reserved 2020

Pricing Tables


Two Tier Pricing

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$15 == / month==

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$23 == / month==

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Three Tier Pricing

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$15 == USD==

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$23 == USD==

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$45 == USD==

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Colored Three Tier Pricing

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NEW Three Tier Pricing now


$15 == USD==

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$23 == USD==

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$45 == USD==

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General Badges

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== #upgrade ==


Regular item

A check for items

A cross for items


Using Badges

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Paid upgrade


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Display Information

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NEW This is a new item coming up

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