Monthly CPD, All Staff, One Affordable Price

Join more than 2,500 Teachers and support staff who use our CPD Platform every day to access high quality Occupational Therapy based training that is relevant in today's school environment.

Engaging and practical training on Sensory & Movement Breaks, Behaviour, Motor Skills, Handwriting and more is currently available, with new CPD added monthly. Staff can join live, watch the recording during a group training day, or complete training at another time that suits them, with certificates provided for every completed training.


"This is more than just CPD, it's been an incredible support to all staff"

Educators and support staff utilise our service daily to address classroom situations when they arise.

Meet Jess

Jess is an award-winning Occupational Therapist with over 10 years of experience, who has dedicated her career to making Occupational Therapy easily accessible to all. She has developed numerous award-winning products, worked in a variety of settings, and her work has been published in the Journal of Occupational Science and the Huffington Post.

Jess's mission is to make Occupational Therapy easily accessible to all. She believes accessibility to the right tools, resources, and education can improve the wellbeing of children, families, educators, and communities.

Learn more about Jess

Awards + Publications

Award winning Occupational Therapist. Published Paediatric OT. Huffington post kids OT
Award winning Occupational Therapist. Published Paediatric OT. Under Graduate awards winner
Award winning Occupational Therapist. Published Paediatric OT. Dr. HH Stewart Award winner

How much does it cost?

Ranging from €399 - €799 per academic year, plans work out at just a few euro per staff member

Book a call to see how the service works

We've been providing training for years

Here's what teachers have to say

Wondering what's available now?

See the topics currently available on our CPD Platform that your school can now access.

Book a call to see how the service works

Understanding & Designing Sensory, Movement & Brain Breaks

Currently Available

Supporting Challenging Behaviours: An OT Perspective

Currently Available

Understanding the Impact of Sensory Needs on Learning

Currently Available

Supporting Fine Motor Skills & Designing Activities for School

Currently Available

Understanding & Supporting Handwriting Challenges

Currently Available

Supporting Gross Motor Skill Development: Coordination, Strength & Endurance

Currently Available

Supporting Independence Skills in School

Currently Available

Designing Sensory Spaces & Using Sensory Tools

Live Webinar April 22nd 3pm- 4pm.

Recording available April 23rd.

Discussing a Student’s OT needs with a Parent

Live Webinar May 23rd 3pm- 4pm.

Recording available May 24th


Whether attended live or the recording is watched, our platform can track each teachers/SNAs activity and once a training is completed, a certificate is issued.