


My name is Jonas, better known as Hidon in game. I have played League of Legends since season 2, in that season I finished silver but my passion for the game consistently grew and I realized I wanted to do more once I hit challenger, since then in season 7 I have hit 1000lp on jungle and master+ on every role, and I have now been coaching professionally for over 2 years. If you have a passion for reaching certain goals within the game, you have come to the right place lets start your journey now and reach them together. If you want to further improve your knowledge about the game and see exampels of my coaching sessions go to https://www.patreon.com/Hidon Looking forward to coaching you and helping you achive your goals.

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Coaching For Coaches

This session has a lot of variety to it e.g I can review a session of yours or a pro game, can also be draft concepts or fundamentals surrounding the game.

1 Session 1 hour
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Coaching Session

We will Review a game that you have prepared. Make sure you have uploaded your vod to youtube with your POV (Point of view). A standard session will look like this Introduction -> Opgg review (correct your runes/builds ect) -> Vod review where I will go over everything that is relevant to you -> I send over the recording of the session so you can rewatch and take in all the information you have gotten.

1 Session 1 hour
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Verbal Session

Verbal sessions is us talking. If you struggle with champion pools/mental/runes/builds or just answers to all your questions regarding the game this is the session you need. In a verbal session you are able to get all the answers you seek which can help propel you to the next level.

1 Session 1 hour

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