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How to EASILY Install or Update Drivers on Windows (Snappy Driver Installer Origin)

Having trouble getting the correct drivers installed on your Windows computer? This step-by-step guide will show you how to use Snappy Driver Installer Origin to identify and install missing drivers efficiently.

I also have a video version if you're interested:

How to Install Drivers with Snappy Driver Installer Origin

Step 1: Download the Installer

First, open your browser and navigate to Glenn Delahoy's website to download Snappy Driver Installer Origin. Ensure you download "Origin" and not the standard version of Snappy Driver Installer. 

Step 2: Extract the Installer

Once downloaded, locate the zip file in your downloads folder. Right-click on the zip file and choose "Extract All" to unpack the contents into a new folder on your computer. The extraction process should automatically open the folder once complete.

Step 3: Run the Installer

Within the extracted folder, you will find different executable files. Choose the one appropriate for your operating system:
- Use the standard application if you have a 32-bit version of Windows.
- Double-click on the X64 application if you're using a 64-bit version.

Step 4: Initial Setup

After launching the installer, accept the license agreement and allow the application network access to download necessary driver data. On the welcome screen, opt for "Download indexes only" to avoid downloading an extensive database of unnecessary drivers.

Step 5: Select and Install Drivers

Once it has downloaded the indexes, the program will display a list of outdated or missing drivers. You can manually select each driver you wish to update or install, or you can use the "Select All" option for an automatic and comprehensive update. Click "Install" to start the process.

Before installing any drivers, be sure to create a System Restore Point so you can go back incase a driver installation goes wrong.

Step 6: Monitor the Installation

The download and installation process can vary in time depending on the driver sizes, which might be substantial. You can hover over the progress bar to check the status. Let the application complete the driver installations.

Step 7: Restart and Verify

Once installation is complete, a notification will prompt you to restart your computer. After restarting, open the Snappy Driver Installer Origin again to check if there are any remaining drivers that need updates. If all drivers are updated, a message will confirm that all your drivers are current.

Step 8: Confirm Driver Updates

Finally, right-click on the Start button and go to "Device Manager" to see if all devices are installed with the latest drivers as per Snappy Driver Installer Origin’s updates.


That’s it! You've successfully updated your Windows drivers using Snappy Driver Installer Origin. If this guide was helpful, don’t forget to like the video and subscribe for more useful tutorials. 

I’ll talk to you guys soon!

The EASIEST Method to Debloat Windows 11!? - Tiny11 Builder Tutorial

Today, I want to share a detailed guide on how you can create a lean, debloated Windows 11 ISO file. This version of Windows 11 is stripped of unnecessary pre-installed software by Microsoft, making it ideal for gaming or those who prefer a streamlined experience without the built-in adware typical of Windows 11.

I also have a video version if you'd like to watch it:

Introduction to Tiny11 Builder

I still use Windows 10 and consider it superior, but this guide is for preparing an alternative for when an upgrade to Windows 11 becomes necessary. We'll be using Tiny11 Builder, a safe, Microsoft utility-based PowerShell script for creating a debloated Windows 11 ISO.

Step 1: Download the Necessary Files

1. Download the Official Windows 11 ISO:
   - Go to Microsoft's download page and download the Windows 11 ISO file.
   - Save the ISO file to your desktop for convenience.

2. Download Tiny11 Builder:
   - Click on the 'Releases' tab.
   - Download the latest version by clicking on the source code zip file.
   - Extract the zip file.
   - Move the extracted folder to your C drive to avoid potential issues.

Step 2: Setting Up PowerShell

1. Open PowerShell as Administrator:
   - Search for PowerShell in your start menu.
   - Right-click and select 'Run as administrator'.

2. Enable Script Execution:
   - Type the following command and press Enter:
     Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
   - Confirm by pressing 'A' to allow all.
   - Verify the policy is set to unrestricted by typing:

Step 3: Mount the ISO and Run the Builder

1. Mount the Windows 11 ISO File:
   - Right-click the ISO file.
   - Select 'Mount' or use 'Open with' -> 'Windows Explorer'.
   - Note the drive letter assigned to the mounted ISO (e.g., E).

2. Run Tiny11 Builder:
   - Navigate to the Tiny11 Builder folder on your C drive.
   - Right-click on 'Tiny11Maker.ps1'.
   - Select 'Run with PowerShell'.
   - Follow the on-screen instructions in the PowerShell window, entering the appropriate drive letter and the image index for the Windows 11 edition you want (e.g., '6' for Windows 11 Pro).

Step 4: Creating and Using the Debloated ISO

1. Create the Debloated ISO:
   - The script will process and output a debloated Windows 11 ISO file in the Tiny11 Builder folder, typically about 5GB in size.

2. Prepare for Installation:
- Use tools like Rufus or Ventoy to create a bootable USB drive with the new ISO.
- Use the USB to install the debloated Windows on your machine. If you need a step-by-step Windows installation guide, watch this.
- During installation, select "World" as the regional settings and disconnect from the internet to prevent automatic updates.
- After installation, optimize your settings by disabling unwanted startup programs and adjusting privacy settings to enhance performance and security.
-You can watch the video linked at the top of this post to see how I installed it on a virtual machine and the other optimizations I did in Windows.


This guide provides a clear, step-by-step approach to creating a minimalistic Windows 11 installation. By following these steps, you can enjoy a lighter, faster, and more private Windows experience. If you found this guide helpful, please give it a like, subscribe for more content, and let me know what other topics you'd like to see covered!

Talk soon!

Another Method to Bypass Windows 11 System Requirements!

If your PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for Windows 11, don't worry—I've got another method to bypass these restrictions, and it's probably the easiest one yet. Follow these detailed steps to upgrade your computer to Windows 11, even if it's officially unsupported.

I also have a video version if you'd like to watch it:

Bypass Windows 11 System Requirements

Step 1: Download the Windows 11 ISO

First, you need the Windows 11 ISO file. Simply Google "download Windows 11" and click on the Microsoft Windows 11 Downloads link. Scroll down to the section for downloading the Windows 11 disk image, select 'Windows 11 multi edition ISO' from the dropdown menu, and click 'Download Now'.

Step 2: Select the Product Language

Before selecting the language for your Windows 11 download, right-click on your start button and open Windows PowerShell as admin. If PowerShell isn't available directly, search for it through your computer. Type get-winsystemlocale in PowerShell and press enter to find the language installed on your system. Choose the corresponding language from the Microsoft download page (for instance, if it's English United States, select that).

Step 3: Install 7-zip

After downloading the ISO file, you'll need software to extract it. Search for 7-Zip on Google and download either the 64-bit or 32-bit version, depending on your system. Install 7-Zip by following the on-screen instructions. Close the browser once installed.

Step 4: Extract the ISO File

Right-click on the downloaded ISO file, hover over the 7-Zip option, and select 'Extract to'. This will create a folder with the same name as the ISO file. Let 7-Zip extract all the files to this folder.

Step 5: Modify the Appraiserres.dll File

Navigate to the 'sources' folder within the extracted files and find the 'appraiserres.dll' file (not 'appraiser'). Right-click on it, select 'Open with' and choose Notepad. In Notepad, press Ctrl+A to select all text, then press backspace or delete to remove it. Save the changes and close Notepad.

Step 6: Install Windows 11

Reopen the folder with the extracted files and run the 'setup.exe' file to start the Windows 11 installation. When prompted to download updates, select 'Not right now' and proceed. The system check should bypass the hardware incompatibility issue, allowing you to proceed with the installation. Make sure to accept the terms to continue.

Step 7: Complete the Installation

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of Windows 11. If you're unable to keep your files and apps, double-check that you selected the correct language during the ISO download process as explained in Step 2.


That's it! You've successfully upgraded to Windows 11 on an unsupported PC. This method should allow you to enjoy the latest features of Windows 11 without needing to meet the strict hardware requirements.

Don't forget to like and share the video if you found this guide helpful. Subscribe for more useful tutorials, and I'll see you in the next one!

Talk soon!

How to Convert Bootable USB to an ISO Image

Creating an ISO image file from a bootable USB drive is a handy skill, especially if you need a backup or plan to use the image on different devices. In this guide, I'll walk you through two effective methods using two different programs to accomplish this task.

I also have a video version if you'd like to watch it:

Method 1: Using AnyBurn

1. Prepare Your USB Drive: 
Ensure your USB flash drive, which should contain the bootable files (like a Windows installation disk), is connected to your computer.

2. Download and Install AnyBurn:
- Visit [AnyBurn.com] and head to the Download section.
- Download the 64-bit version of AnyBurn and run the installer by following the on-screen instructions.

3. Create ISO Image:
- Launch AnyBurn and select 'Create Image File from Files and Folders'.
- Click 'Add', navigate to your USB drive (usually labeled as ESD-ISO if it's Windows installation media), and select all files (Ctrl + A).
- After adding the files, click 'Next'.
- Choose a save location for the ISO file on your desktop and name it (e.g., Windows ISO).
- Ensure the image file type is set to ISO and click 'Create Now'.

4. Verify the ISO Image:
- Once the creation process is complete, find the ISO file on your desktop.
- Right-click the ISO file and select 'Mount' to check if it mounts successfully.
- Run the setup to ensure it launches properly, confirming the ISO file works (if it's Windows Installation Media).

Method 2: Using ImgBurn

1. Download and Install ImgBurn:
- Go to [ImgBurn.com] and access the Downloads tab.
- I recommend downloading from Mirror 7.
- Open the installer and complete the setup by following the prompts.

2. Configure ImgBurn for ISO Creation:
- Start ImgBurn and choose 'Create image file from files/folders'.
- Click the icon to select the source, navigate to your USB drive, and click 'Select Folder'.
- For the destination, click the icon, select your desktop, and name the file (e.g., Windows ISO).

3. Make the Image Bootable:
- Navigate to the 'Advanced' tab, then 'Bootable Disc'.
- Check 'Make Image Bootable'.
- Click the icon to browse for a boot image, select the 'boot' folder, and choose the ETFS boot file.
- Enter 'Microsoft Corporation' as the developer ID if creating a Windows ISO.
(This might only be applicable to Windows Installation Media.)

4. Create the ISO File:
- Click to start the creation process. Follow any prompts that appear by clicking 'Yes' to all.
- Once complete, you'll see a success message.

5. Test the ISO File:
- Mount the newly created ISO file to verify functionality.


By following these steps, you'll be able to create an ISO image from any bootable USB drive using either AnyBurn or ImgBurn. This guide ensures that you can preserve your bootable media or distribute it digitally with ease.

If this tutorial was helpful, please hit the like button on the video, and don't forget to subscribe for more useful guides!

Talk again soon!

FREE & EASY Way to Migrate Windows to Another Drive! (Tutorial)

If you're planning to migrate your operating system from one drive to another, whether it's from a hard drive or an SSD, this guide is for you. Today, I'll walk you through how I successfully migrated the Windows 11 operating system from a 480GB SSD to a 120GB SanDisk SSD.

I also have a video version of this guide if you're interested:

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Prepare Your Drives: 

Ensure both the original drive (in my case, a 480GB SSD) and the target drive (120GB SanDisk SSD) are connected to your computer.

2. Download Disk Genius:

- Open a browser and search for "Disk Genius."
- Visit the official website [diskgenius.com]
- Click on 'free download' to download the installation file.

3. Install Disk Genius:

- Locate the downloaded file in your downloads folder and double-click to run the setup.
- Follow the simple installation process, selecting your preferred language and proceeding through the setup screens.
- Once installed, uncheck any start-up options and launch Disk Genius.

4. Start the Migration Process:

- In Disk Genius, you'll see all connected drives. Locate your current operating system drive (usually C:) which is my 480GB SSD.
- Navigate to 'Tools' > 'System Migration.'
- Select the system partition (your current OS installed drive) and confirm.
- Choose the target disk (120GB SanDisk SSD in my case) for the OS migration and confirm. You will be warned that the target disk will be formatted and all data will be deleted. Click 'OK' to proceed.

5. Configure Migration Settings:

- You may adjust the partition sizes on the target disk if necessary.
- Ensure the option 'when finished change computer boot sequence' is checked. This will set your computer to boot from the new drive after migration.

6. Select Migration Type:

- Disk Genius offers two types of migration: hot migration and migration via reboot to the Windows PE environment.
- Hot Migration: Performs the cloning while Windows is still running. Recommended by Disk Genius. (Make sure all other programs are closed on the computer before using Hot Migration)
- Windows PE Environment: For a more reliable & safe cloning process, especially if hot migration doesn’t work. Requires a reboot and uses the Windows PE environment for cloning.

7. Execute the Migration:

- For this demonstration, I’ll select hot migration as suggested by Disk Genius. Click 'start' and proceed with the on-screen prompts to format the target disk.
- Once the process is complete, you'll be prompted to restart your computer. Click 'yes' to reboot.

8. Verify the Migration:

- After restarting, your computer should boot from the new drive. Open 'File Explorer' and navigate to 'This PC' to check if the C drive is now operating from the target disk (SanDisk 120GB SSD in my case).
- You should see your operating system successfully migrated and running from the new SSD.

If Migration Fails:

If the hot migration doesn’t succeed, you can retry the process using the Windows PE environment:

- Repeat the steps above but select 'reboot to Win PE' when choosing the migration type. Your PC will reboot into the Disk Genius Windows PE environment and automatically start the migration.
- Once complete, your PC will reboot again and should start from the target drive.


Disk Genius is a powerful tool for migrating your operating system to a different drive, providing both flexibility and ease of use. If you found this guide helpful, please give the video a like, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. 

Talk soon!

How to Upgrade to the Latest Version of Windows 11 on ANY PC!

Are you looking to upgrade to the latest version of Windows 11, regardless of whether your computer officially supports it? Whether you're using Windows 10 or an older version of Windows 11, this guide will show you step-by-step how to perform the upgrade. Let's dive right in!

If you're interested, I also have a video version of this guide:

Step 1: Access Disk Management

Right-click on your start button and select "Disk Management" to open the Disk Management window.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Hard Disk

In the Disk Management window, click on "Action" and then select "Create VHD." Click on "Browse," navigate to your C drive, and create a new folder named "VHD." Select this folder, name your file "VHD," and click "Save." Set the virtual hard disk size to 16 GB (change MB to GB) and leave the other settings as default. Click "OK."

Step 3: Initialize and Format the New Disk

You'll see a new disk that is not yet initialized. Right-click on this new disk and select "Initialize Disk." Choose GPT and click "OK." Next, right-click on the unallocated space, select "New Simple Volume," and keep clicking "Next." Name the volume "VUSB" and finish the setup.

Step 4: Download Rufus

Open your browser, search for "Rufus," and navigate to the official Rufus webpage. Download the standard version of Rufus (not the portable version) appropriate for your system (64-bit or 32-bit).

Step 5: Set Up Rufus

Open Rufus, and it should automatically detect the virtual USB drive. If not, select it manually from the drop-down menu. Click on the arrow next to "Select," then "Download." Click on "Download" again to fetch the ISO image file of Windows 11. Ensure you choose the correct language that matches your current system 

Check this via PowerShell with the command 


Step 6: Create the Installation Media

Once the ISO is downloaded, it should appear under "Boot Selection" in Rufus. Leave all settings as default but you can change the volume label to "Win11." Click "Start," ensure all confirmation boxes are checked, and proceed.

Step 7: Install Windows 11

After Rufus completes, open File Explorer, navigate to "This PC," and open the "Win11" drive. Double-click the "Setup" file, confirm any prompts, and begin the Windows 11 installation process. Opt for "Not right now" for updates, accept the terms, and choose to keep your personal files and apps for a smooth transition.

Step 8: Finalize Installation

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Your computer will upgrade to the latest version of Windows 11, which is version 23H2 at the time of this tutorial. After the upgrade, you can delete the VHD folder and the downloaded files (Rufus and the ISO) to free up space.

Step 9: Optional: Roll Back to Previous Windows

If necessary, you can revert to your previous version of Windows via the "Recovery" option in "Settings" under "Windows Update." This option is available only for a few days post-upgrade.


That's it! You've successfully upgraded to Windows 11. If this guide was helpful, please like and subscribe for more tutorials.

Talk Soon!

How to Create a Custom Windows ISO with Preinstalled Software Included for FREE! (Tutorial)

I recently created a custom Windows 11 ISO file for my own personal use and decided to record and share the process with you. So, if you've been wondering how to create a custom Windows 11 image that has software preinstalled which can be used for mass deployment, this guide is for you as I'll take you through the entire process step-by-step.

I also have a video version if you'd like to watch it:

Step 1: Download the Official Windows ISO File

1. Search for "Download Windows 11" on Google.
2. Click the official Microsoft page, select "Multi-Edition ISO," and download.
3. Choose "English (United States)" or your language of choice, confirm, and save the file to your desktop.

Step 2: Create a Folder for the ISO

1. On your desktop, right-click and create a new folder called `VMshare`.
2. Drag and drop the ISO file into this folder.

If you need more help with this, please check out this guide:

Step 3: Install Virtualization Software

1. Choose either VMware Player or VirtualBox (both are free).

Step 4: Create a New Virtual Machine

1. In VMware:
   - Click "Create a New Virtual Machine."
   - Choose "Install OS Later" and set the version to "Windows 11."
   - Adjust settings and click "Finish."
2. Right-click the virtual machine, go to "Settings," and change:
   - Memory and CPU: Allocate as your system allows.
   - CD/DVD: Select "Use ISO image file," browse to the `VM share` folder, and choose the ISO.
3. Add another virtual hard disk and configure according to the recommended options.

Step 5: Install Windows 11 in the Virtual Machine

1. Start the virtual machine and boot from the ISO file by pressing any key.
2. Go through the Windows 11 installation steps, selecting "Windows 11 Home" for flexibility.
3. After setup, access the desktop and configure it per your preferences.

Step 6: Install Desired Programs

1. Visit [ninite.com] and select the applications you want pre-installed.
2. Download the installer and run it to install all selected apps.
3. Install additional applications like Adobe Reader, AnyDesk, and Nilesoft Shell from their respective websites or any other software that you want to have pre installed.
4. Do a search for "Disk Management" and initialize the second disk you added to the VM and name it DATA.

Step 7: Prepare the Installation for Capturing

1. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator and run the following command.
%windir%\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /audit /reboot
2. Once loaded into the default Administrator account, open the control panel and delete the initial "User" account created earlier.
3. Open the Run box with Windows Key + R, type sysprep and hit enter.
4. Run the Sysprep application.
5. Select "System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)," check "Generalize," and set "Shutdown Options" to "Shutdown."

Step 8: Capture the Custom Windows Image

1. Boot the VM from the Windows ISO file again and select repair your computer.
2. Use Command Prompt to capture the custom image with the `DISM` command:
dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:D:\install.wim /CaptureDir:C:\ /Name:windows11

D = The drive where your new Image file will be saved. (DATA partition)
C = The drive where Windows is currently installed in the VM.

3. Once it's completed, type Exit and hit Enter.
4. Continue into Windows again.

Step 9: Add Shared folder to VM

1.Navigate to the Virtual Machine's settings and click on the Options tab. 
2.Click on Shared folders, change it to Always enabled and then click on Add.
3.Navigate to and select the VMShare folder that is saved on your main computer's desktop.
4.Click on OK and launch the Virtual Machine.

Step 10: Installing VMWare Tools

1.Once the Virtual Machine has started up, click on "Player" in the top left, then Manage and click on "Install VMware Tools".
2.A new CD will be mounted in the Virtual Machine called VMware Tools. Click on it to run it and install it. Restart the VM if prompted to restart.
3.Once restarted, open the File Explorer and navigate to the Network Tab and turn on Network and File Discovery.
4.You should see a vmware-host PC on the network and you will then have access to the VMShare folder from within the VM.

Step 11: Create a Bootable ISO

1. Install AnyBurn in the virtual machine and use it to modify the original Windows ISO.
2. Replace the existing `install.wim` file with your custom one.
3. Save the edited image as a new ISO, like "Windows 11 - Custom."

Step 12: Test the Custom ISO

1. Create a new virtual machine using the custom ISO file.
2. Install Windows and confirm that all your programs are pre-installed.

Bonus Tip

If you encounter issues with unsupported hardware, use Rufus to make a bootable USB and remove hardware requirements.

If you need more help with this, please check out this guide:


That’s how you can create a custom Windows ISO file with pre-installed programs to streamline future installations. 

I also have another guide following a similar method that shows you how to create a custom Windows 10 ISO for gaming.

If you found this guide helpful, leave a like and check out my other tutorials!

Talk soon!

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