

Come visit my YouTube channel where I do comedic plot summaries for movies.
- Howesenberg Films

Favorite films

  • Battle Royale
  • Fight Club
  • The Social Network
  • Pink Floyd: The Wall

Recent activity

  • Evil Dead


  • Terminator: Dark Fate


  • Evil Dead Rise


  • The Color Purple


Recent reviews

  • Evil Dead

    Evil Dead


    Outside of the extraordinary gore (which despite it's creativity does get a bit boring towards the end) this is a snooze fest. If you've seen other spooky cabin based horror movies you've seen this one.

  • Terminator: Dark Fate

    Terminator: Dark Fate


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    It's hard to make it past the scene where the terminator kills John Connor, making the emotional journey of T2 seem like a waste of time, but I simply refuse to accept this part of the story as cannon, more like a fan-fic. Trust me if you treat this movie in the same regard you wont be annoyed by it.
    I liked the idea of a new type of cybernetically enhanced human being on the scene, but her back-story felt…

Popular reviews

  • Fight Club

    Fight Club


    Challenging your views on masculinity but more importantly teaching you to stop pretending you're special, I mean in my case I actually am special so can't relate and when I say challenging your views I do mean YOUR views, because my views are perfectly balanced and I have no daddy issues what so ever and mummy loved me enough, she absolutely did.
    Jared Leto wasn't frustrating to watch and actually added to the movie with his presence 10/10

  • Evil Dead Rise

    Evil Dead Rise


    If you would enjoy seeing a feature length demo-reel of outstanding visual effects and make-up, this movie is a 10/10 must see for you, where it lacks is the story, it's very basic.
    Be prepared to be numbed by the sight of blood and gore and thrilled by a decent horror that falls short of being a great horror for the mediocre story.

    Ps this is my first Evil Dead experience...I'm not sure if it was a good idea to start with this movie?