Nutrition Guide

Workouts are only part of the equation. Learn to master healthy, balanced eating with my Nutrition Guide ebook.

  • 20+ quick and healthy recipes
  • Printable meal planning templates
  • Sample weekly meal plans
  • Easy meal prep ideas + tips

19.00 $ USD

My Nutrition Guide is a simple, informative and effective guide that focuses on getting back to the basics of healthy eating. Learning what to eat and why can empower you to make the right choices for you. Learn to create new habits and develop balanced meals that include foods that you love.

Your digital PDF guide will include information on the following:

  • WHAT to eat, HOW MUCH to eat and WHEN to eat
  • Nutrient dense, recommended foods 
  • Printable meal planning template
  • Sample meal plans
  • Easy meal prep ideas + tips
  • Supplement + vitamin information
  • Conquering cravings + nutritious snack ideas
  • 20+ quick + delicious recipes made with simple ingredients

Be a part of a growing network of like-minded individuals and receive your daily dose of motivation and inspiration. With your nutrition guide purchase you will also receive:

  • Access to a private forum 65k members strong and growing each day!
  • Ongoing Q & A with myself and other members of the community.
  • Recipes, tips, tricks, motivation and success stories from myself and other members.
  • Access to members only discounts, give-aways and contests.
Once your purchase is complete you will automatically be redirected to a download page where you can download and save your guide for ongoing access. You can also access your downloads at any time by logging into your account and navigating to 'downloads' through your account dashboard.
No counting calories, tracking macros or weighing food. Woohoo! This guide teaches you how to control portion sizes without obsessing over the numbers.
The flexibility of this guide allows you to create meal plans no matter what your personal needs or lifestyle choices are! Choose from a wide variety of gluten free and/or vegetarian foods.
The recipes are so simple that even Heather can make them 😉 The recipes included in this nutrition guide are quick and easy to follow to save you time and frustration when prepping your weekly meals.
The recipes use imperial measurements (i.e cups, tablespoons, teaspoon, ounces etc.)
This nutrition guide is not a crash diet or trendy weight loss solution. It is a guideline that teaches a balanced and healthy way of eating that is sustainable. If you need to lose weight, then following the ideas outlined in this guide may help you to reach your optimal weight. Any suggested meal plans or recipes included are simply recommendations. Always seek the advice of your professional health care provider or nutritionist before making any changes to your health care routine.
Due to the digital nature of this product all sales are final.
Nutrition Guide