
Explore our coverage of China’s politics, economics, business and culture, in articles, charts, podcasts and video

The Americas

Canada’s jade mines boomed on Chinese demand. Now that’s over

Local indigenous groups are happy that jade mines will no longer scar their lands


Some Taiwanese worry that their lawmakers may sell them out to China

They are protesting against the legislature awarding itself greater powers


Want to stop a third world war? Pick up the phone

America’s and China’s defence ministers will meet in Singapore. They need to talk more


The evolution of forced labour in Xinjiang

China has wound down its re-education camps, but is still using work to remould the thinking of Uyghurs


Has China reached peak emissions?

It hopes to de-link its carbon emissions from economic growth


Is time more on America’s or China’s side?

A new book offers practical advice about how America can win against China


Hong Kong convicts 14 pro-democracy activists

The ruling acts as a warning: dissent and pay the price

Finance and economics

Xi Jinping’s surprising new source of economic advice

What China’s leader may learn from a pair of reform-minded academics


How China uses Russia to chew up the UN

As Russia threatens to paralyse the UN Security Council, China stands back


Japanese businesses are trapped between America and China

Could geopolitics kill off an incipient corporate revival?


Why Hong Kong is sending its old people to Guangdong

Gardens and bigger rooms await


The number of American students in China is going up again

But it pales in comparison to the number of Chinese students in America

Middle East and Africa

Chinese weapons are taking over in Africa

Sales are helped by low prices and a lack of scruples

Finance and economics

Brazil, India and Mexico are taking on China’s exports

To avoid an economic shock, they are pursuing a strange mix of free trade and protectionism

Finance and economics

How the Chinese state aims to calm the property market

Officials appear willing to spend public money on private capitalists


Even Xi Jinping is struggling to fix regional inequality

Will China’s vast hinterland ever catch up with its wealthy coast?
