Special report | A new order

China wants to change, or break, a world order set by others

It may yet succeed, says David Rennie

FOR MOST of human history, great powers and strong men have been free to inflict horrors on the weak with impunity. For almost eight decades, however, all but a few rogue states have aspired, or paid lip service, to a different world order.

This order was founded in revulsion at the industrialised, racially justified savagery of the second world war. Guided by the ambition “Never Again”, the winners, led by America, drafted conventions that defined unpardonable crimes against humanity, and sought to impose costs on those committing them. Recalling the economic disasters and human miseries that paved the way to world war, the framers of this order built the UN and other international institutions to promote co-operation and development.

This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “A new order”

The world China wants

From the October 15th 2022 edition

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