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The Psych Show with Dr. Ali Mattu
Thanks for your interest in joining my call in show!

Here are the details on how it works.

1. Fill out this form.

2. Once I week I pick individuals to call. The main criteria I use in selecting callers is whether I have expertise on the topic and if we can discuss it in a short period of time. To give as many people an opportunity to be on the show I avoid talking to the same person more than once.

3. If selected and I get through to you, we talk for 15-20 minutes. If I think the conversation would be helpful to my audience, I'll edit the conversation for clarity and share it on my channel (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, podcast, etc) and social media.

4. If I call and don't get through to you, or if you aren't available to speak, your name goes back into my list of potential people to call in the future. There is no guarantee that I will call you again.

5. By completing this form you grant me the right to record our conversation and use it in whatever form I wish.

6. You acknowledge that our conversation is for informational purposes only. No professional clinical relationship has been established and no clinical services have been rendered.
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Name (doesn't have to be real, just how you'd like me to refer to you) *
Phone Number (include country code if outside United States) *
Location (to help me coordinate across time zones) *
Are you a patron of The Psych Show ( Patron's questions will be prioritized in the selection process. *
Your question (limited to 250 characters) *
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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