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Lead Your Own Coaching Business Bootcamp Using Our Done-for-You 6-Figure Coaching Bundle!

Get Instant Access to 7 Packages to Help You Grow Your Business + Make Money!

Get This Bundle Today for Only $549 $297!

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What Do You Get In This Bundle? Here’s a Look at EVERYTHING You’ll Get!

6-Figure Coaching Bootcamp

Here’s Everything Included in the 6-Figure Coaching Bootcamp Package: ($297 value)

  • 4 Training Modules (31 pages, 8507 words)
    • Module 1: How to Magnetically Attract Your Perfect Clients without Chasing Them Down
    • Module 2: The Secret to Creating & Packaging Your Irresistible Coaching Offers
    • Module 3: How to Double Your Profits While Spending Less Time at Your Desk
    • Module 4: How to Get Your Clients to Love Paying You Over and Over Again
  • 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises (31 pages)
  • 4 Program Accelerator Checklists (23 pages)
  • 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (86 slides)
  • 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not as easy as it looks (289 words)
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #2: Attention Coaches: Are you making these mistakes? (267 words)
    • Program Email Promo #1: Before you hang out your virtual shingle… (377 words)
    • Program Email Promo #2: Are you working too hard? (295 words)
  • 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
    • Attracting Your Dream Client (466 words)
    • Developing Your Coaching Funnel (462 words)
    • Today’s Most In-Demand Coaching Program Formats (434 words)
    • Creating High-Value, Big-Profit VIP Days (538 words)
    • You Don’t Have to be an Expert in Everything to be a Great Coach (451 words)
  • Webinar Registration Copy that includes a description and bullet points for your webinar you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
  • Webinar Script: 5 Reasons Why Most Coaches are Broke (11 pages)
  • Webinar PowerPoint Slides (26 slides)
  • Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “5 Reasons Why Most Coaches are Broke” (4 pages)
  • Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop

Here’s a Peek at What You’ll Get in the 6-Figure Coaching Bootcamp Package:

Module 1: How to Magnetically Attract Your Perfect Clients without Chasing Them Down

For struggling (or even somewhat successful) coaches, this is huge. You simply cannot help people if you’re constantly chasing after new clients. It’s not good for your income, it’s not good for your ego, and it’s certainly not good for your business.

In this module we’ll cover exactly what you’re doing wrong, and how to fix it, including…

  • Why finding your unique brand is critical to your success – the cookie-cutter approach might work for fast-food franchises, but when it comes to coaching, your clients crave your unique qualities.
  • The single most important aspect of your brand – get this wrong and you’ll confuse your potential clients, or worse, drive them away.
  • 3 questions you must answer if you want to build a solid, personal brand that attracts rather than alienates the very audience you want to serve.
  • How to quickly create a website – don’t let the technical details trip you up. Once this is done, you can move on to more important matters!
  • 3 important website elements to consider – keeping these in mind with everything you do helps create a cohesive branding message.
  • Why content is a critical part of your overall brand – and how it can work for you by pre-qualifying clients long before you meet with them.
  • The one thing to keep in mind every time you create a new piece of content – get this right, and your clients will be naturally drawn to you.
  • How to establish credibility and become known as the “go to” person in your niche – it’s not as difficult as it sounds, but it is absolutely vital to your success.
  • How to associate your name and brand with the biggest names in your niche. Do this right and you’ll be on the path to stardom. Do it badly, and you’ll be forever labeled a spammer – or worse!
  • What your competitors can teach you about branding, marketing and more – and why paying attention to them might just be the most important thing you do.
  • How to keep your name in front of your audience with a good mix of tactics – when you’re building a coaching business, out of sight really is out of mind, so don’t skip this step!


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 1:

Module 1: Training

Module 1: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

Module 1: Program Accelerator Checklist

Module 1: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops


Module 2: The Secret to Creating & Packaging Your Irresistible Coaching Offers

You already know that one-on-one coaching alone does not make for a successful coaching business. There has to be a funnel in place that encompasses everything from your lowest priced products and services right on up to your elite mastermind program – and which naturally leads buyers from one to the next.

In this module we’ll examine your funnel, identify the leaks, and create an auto-pilot system that keeps the cash-flow on the positive side. We’ll start with…

  • Setting the correct pricing – and the two questions you must ask yourself before you begin.
  • How to determine the proper focus for your offer based on what you know about your ideal client
  • One surprising way to add extra income streams to your offer funnel – and how one super-successful coach uses this method to earn big bucks AND build an expert reputation!
  • How to develop offers that not only bring in cash, but that you enjoy – miss this and you might earn that six-figure income you want, but you’ll be miserable doing it.
  • How to team up with other coaches to offer big value (pro tip: this is a fantastic way to get your foot in the door of a new niche or market)
  • Why your local area might just be the best place to “test the waters” – and two methods that can deliver huge successes.
  • How to master the art of over-delivering – get this right, and you’ll never have to chase after clients again.
  • What’s missing from your sales funnel – if you’ve got leaks, you won’t want to miss this part.
  • How to put an end to the objections – this one trick will virtually eliminate any uncertainty your ideal client might have about hiring you.


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 2:

Module 2: Training

Module 2: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

Module 2: Program Accelerator Checklist

Module 2: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops


Module 3: How to Double Your Profits While Spending Less Time at Your Desk

What if I were to tell you that it’s easy to build that six-figure business you dream about? The only think you have to do? Work your tail off.

It’s true – many solopreneurs achieve high-earning power doing just that. But there is a better way.

In module 3 we’re going to tackle the dream of many small business owners: passive income. It’s not as easy as some would have you believe, but it is possible. Let’s start with…

  • The single most powerful tool you have in your passive income arsenal – if you’re not already working on this, then you must start now!
  • Why Amazon is a coaches best friend – and how to get even more leverage with one simple trick.
  • Why “one hit wonders” never achieve the success they want – and what to do to avoid falling into this trap!
  • 12 types of products your market is desperately searching for – if you’re not providing them, then someone else will.
  • 2 ways to put the power of affiliate marketing to work for you – either one is a nice boost to your income, but if you do both, you’ll watch your profits soar!
  • 3 ways to license your products for even bigger profits – some of the biggest names in business do this, and you can, too.
  • The number one way to get more mileage out of every single product you create – skip this step and you’re literally throwing money away.
  • The easy way to build community AND recurring income – get this right, and your earning power will quickly snowball.
  • How to create a successful joint venture partnership – without adding any extra work for either of you.


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 3:

Module 3: Training

Module 3: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

Module 3: Program Accelerator Checklist

Module 3: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops



Module 4: How to Get Your Clients to Love Paying You Over and Over Again

Ever wonder why so many stores offer loyalty rewards and other perks for customers? It’s because getting a current customer to spend money is much easier than attracting a new customer. Not only that, but it costs a lot less in terms of advertising, product development and relationship building.

That’s why module 4 is all about keeping your clients happily buying everything you offer. We’ll cover…

  • 4 ways to create regular, recurring income – and why they work so well in every niche.
  • How to get clients to buy the same product again and again – master this and you’ll practically be able to print your own money.
  • Why a lifetime membership option can actually grow your income even after members stop paying.
  • How (and where) to build an online community that will serve as your remote sales army – do this right, and you’ll never have to “sell” again.
  • How to put the spotlight right on your clients – and make more sales of your services when you do!
  • Why social proof is critical to your success – plus some unusual ways you can use it to your advantage.
  • How to incorporate various payment options into your overall funnel – do this and your cash flow will never again be an issue.
  • The number one way to create a “waiting list” of potential clients – and you can do this in conjunction with raising your prices for even higher profits.


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 4:

Module 4: Training

Module 4: Fast Action Worksheet & Exercise

Module 4: Program Accelerator Checklist

Module 4: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

Plus, You’ll Also Get a Sales + Marketing Materials Kit to Help You Sell Your Workshop and Start Collecting Payments:

We want to make it super easy for you to promote your workshop and start collecting payments, which is why we’ve included tons of fabulous sales and marketing materials for you and your JV partners.

That’s right! You can share these sales materials with your JV partners so they can promote you too!

Here’s What’s Included in Your Sales + Marketing Materials Kit:

A great way to fill your workshop is by hosting a free webinar that sets the stage for you to show off your expertise, connect with your tribe, and be of service to them through amazing content – while also leading your clients to the conclusion that they want to work with you.

We’ve made it easy for you to host your own webinar that provides value and helps you enroll clients in your workshop.

  • Webinar Script: “5 Reasons Why Most Coaches are Broke”
  • Webinar Registration Copy that includes a description and bullet points for your webinar you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
  • PowerPoint Slides for Your Webinar so you don’t have to start from scratch
  • Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “5 Reasons Why Most Coaches are Broke”


And we’ve got you covered when it comes to promoting your live webinar, the replay of your webinar, AND your workshop.

Just copy, paste, and edit the emails, social media posts, and blog posts/newsletter articles and start spreading the word about your sparkly new workshop!

  • 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Upsell to Your Program
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not as easy as it looks (289 words)
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #2: Attention Coaches: Are you making these mistakes? (267 words)
    • Program Email Promo #1: Before you hang out your virtual shingle… (377 words)
    • Program Email Promo #2: Are you working too hard? (295 words)
  • 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
    • Attracting Your Dream Client (466 words)
    • Developing Your Coaching Funnel (462 words)
    • Today’s Most In-Demand Coaching Program Formats (434 words)
    • Creating High-Value, Big-Profit VIP Days (538 words)
    • You Don’t Have to be an Expert in Everything to be a Great Coach (451 words)


But we don’t stop there…we’re also giving you sales page copy that you can copy, paste, and edit and use to sell your workshop (no more paying a copywriter thousands of dollars to do this for you!).

Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Sales and Marketing Materials Included in Your Kit:

Promotional Emails, Blog Posts, Social Media Posts

Webinar Script: “5 Reasons Why Most Coaches are Broke”

Webinar Registration Copy 

Webinar PowerPoint Slides

Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “5 Reasons Why Most Coaches are Broke”

Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop

+ You’ll Also Get

7 Ways to Get More Clients Even if You Hate Marketing

The Step-by-Step Script Covers: (22-pages)

  • Welcome:
    • Topic Intro: 7 Ways to Get More Clients Even if You Hate Marketing  
  • Training Content:
  • Step One: Funnel Those Clients Toward a Kick-Ass Freebie    
  • Step Two: Lure Them in With an Irresistible Webinar   
  • Step Three: Grab Their Attention with Bite-Sized Videos  
  • Step Four: Expand Your Reach Exponentially By Collaborating   
  • Step Five: Get Something For (Almost) Nothing: Do a Giveaway  
  • Step Six: Pour Your Expertise Into a Book   
  • Step Seven: Make Sure Your Follow-Up Game is On Point 
  • Webinar Close: Present Your Offer Here
  • Q & A Time: Engage with Guests and Answer Questions
  • Final Webinar Wrap-up: How to Reach You, Restate Your Offer, and Thank Everyone

PowerPoint Slides for Your Webinar

  • 31 PowerPoint Slides to Present this Content through a Webinar, Workshop, or Recorded Videos
Business Coach on Beach

Here are all Templates Included in This Package:

  • Worksheet ( 17 pages, 1098 words)
  • 4 Week Calendar (21 pages, 859 words)
  • Action Checklist (7 pages, 1058 words)
  • Resource Directory with Links to Tools & Resources (10 pages, 1544 words)
  • 21 Ideas Blueprint (10 pages, 3305 words)

+ You’ll Also Get

How to Map Out Your $5k Mastermind Program in a Weekend Planner

This Planner Covers (29-pages):

  • Step 1: 6 Questions to Help You Design an Electrifying Mastermind
    If you want your mastermind program to be successful right from the start, answer these six questions honestly and in-depth. The more planning you put into this process, the more value your potential members will see and they will clamor to join.
    • Exercise: Brainstorm answers to these 6 questions to help design your Mastermind program.
  • Step 2: The Best Way to Choose a Topic Your Tribe Cannot Resist
    Choosing a topic for your Mastermind isn’t just a matter of pulling a topic out of your head that you love or know like the back of your hand. Your passion project may not appeal to many people, so you need to think strategically.
    • Exercise: Brainstorm ways to choose your Mastermind topic.
  • Step 3: How to Position Your Pricing For an Easy Yes!
    Setting up pricing on products, programs, and coaching packages can be tricky. You don’t want to undersell your value simply to attract more customers but you don’t want to overprice your offerings either and turn people off. It’s a real struggle but it’s not impossible to overcome.
    • Exercise: Strategize your price point for your mastermind program.
  • Step 4: How to Screen Participants for a 100% Perfect Fit
    The success of any mastermind program is how well the group is organized and how much each member participates. There’s nothing worse than a group leader who is late to meetings or whose participants would rather catch the meeting replay on video than attend live.
    • Exercise: Write out your qualifying questions to ask each potential mastermind candidate.
  • Step 5: The Secret to a Successful Mastermind? A Rock-Solid Plan
    When you don’t plan – or fail to write down that plan – you will most likely forget important things that need to happen in your Mastermind planning or in the actual meetings themselves.
    • Exercise: Strategize your meeting flow and how you will accommodate hearing from all your members.
  • Step 6: 5 Online Components Every Mastermind Group Needs
    Just as with any new product or service, you’ll need to promote your Mastermind and have some common components in place to help attract people to your application as well as answer questions for prospects.
    • Exercise: Create each of these components. Use strong actin words, your branding elements, and photos of yourself.
  • Step 7: Marketing Tactics That Will Get You a Mile-Long Waiting List!
    Just as with any other program, a consistent marketing strategy will create buzz for your new Mastermind as well as attract prospects. Consistency is key when promoting online, so formulate a social media strategy and other media opportunities to spread the word.
    • Exercise: Choose your enrollment option and then plan your Mastermind marketing strategy.
  • Step 8: Why It’s Critical to Collect Feedback and Revise
    Even the best laid plans have room for improvement. You may discover this need for improvement while your Mastermind is in progress or you may hear grumblings from members after it ends. Either way, look forward to receiving constructive criticism because it’s a way for you to improve the program in the future to become bigger and better.
    • Exercise: Write out an exit survey for members to leave feedback after the mastermind program ends.

Take a Peek at the Fabulous Content You’ll Get:

5 Done-for-You Emails to Turn Cold Leads into Hot Clients

This Package Includes:

  • 5 Done-For-You Emails that You Can Load Up to Your Autoresponder to Help You Transform Your Cold Leads into Hot Clients
  • Squeeze Page Copy with Bullet Points to Help You Set Up Your Lead Page Quickly and Easily
  • 20 Social Media Posts About How Your Coaching Can Help Grow a Business

The 5 Emails in this Series are:

  • Email 1: How business coaches work, and why hiring one is often the best thing you can do to grow your business (503 words)
  • Email 2: What you need to do before you hire a business coach to ensure you get the best possible results – skip this step and you’re just throwing money away (352 words)
  • Email 3: How to choose the coach that’s right for you. There’s more to it than just calling up the coach you met at that conference last year (495 words)
  • Email 4: What to expect from your first coaching session – and what probably won’t happen (454 words)
  • Email 5: Moving forward – Making the most of your coaching relationship by staying focused and on target – and how to continue to learn from your coach long after your active sessions have stopped (431 words)


Squeeze Page Copy with Bullet Points
(Copy & Paste it into Your Lead Page and You’re Done!)


20 Social Media Posts About How Your Coaching Can Help Grow a Business


7 Done-for-You Emails to Grow Your Client Base

Want to be fully booked this year?

Most business have a natural ebb and flow of clients coming in and clients going out.

But if you’re not actively working to keep fresh new leads coming in, you’ll be putting yourself in a less than desirable position if your income unexpectedly takes a sharp dive downwards.

Whether your clients have “graduated” from your coaching program, or they no longer need your services for whatever reason – you will want to make sure you have a list of potential clients to pull from when you need to.

Some of the ways you can build that potential client list are:

  • Following up with people who have shown interest in coaching in the past but who were not ready yet
  • On-boarding JV partners
  • Reaching out to past clients who may be ready to come back
  • Asking for referrals from current and past clients
  • And much more!

As usual, we make it super easy for you to do with our done-for-you letters/emails that you can use to do all of these things!

These are the 7 Letters You’ll Get in this Kit:

You will receive the following 7 documents in .doc version so that you can add your logo and customize them for your own use in working with your clients. Then you or your virtual assistant can send them out when they’re needed!

Referral Request Letter/Email

Letter to send to your current clients with a request that they refer new clients to you.

Client Reactivation Letter/Email

Letter to send to your inactive clients to encourage them to sign back up for your services and programs.

Client Testimonial Request Letter/Email

Letter to send to your current clients asking them to send you a testimonial that you can use on your website and in your marketing materials.

Post Event Potential Client Follow Up Letter/Email/Card

Letter to send to people you connected with at a business event who you feel would be good potential clients.

Post Consultation Call Follow Up Letter/Email

Letter to send to people you spoke with on a free consultation call to sell them into your programs.

JV Program Invitation Letter/Email

Letter to send to potential JV partners inviting them to join your referral program.

Referral Bonus Letter for Existing Coaching Clients

Letter to send to past and current coaching clients where they can earn a free coaching call with you for referring a new client who buy a coaching program.

+ You’ll Also Get

10 Done-for-You Emails to Help You Manage Difficult Client Situations with Ease

In all coaching relationships there comes a time when you have to have the tough talks with your clients…

Sometimes coaching is easy and fun. Everything is effortless and natural and you don’t have a care in the world.

But then there are other times when it’s not.

  • A client might be overstepping their boundaries, not respecting your time, and you don’t quite know how to handle it. You’re starting to resent the client and you know you need to deal with it, but you keep putting it off.
  • A client writes to notify you they’re cancelling their coaching. You thought everything was going great. You want to know why they cancelled and possibly recover the client, but you aren’t sure quite how to ask without it sounding personal.
  • A potential client (perhaps someone you’ve met in person) expresses interest in working with you. They either aren’t ready yet or you know they’re not going to be a good fit. What do you say?
  • A client misses an appointment… again. You sit down to write an email to him, but you’re too frustrated to get the words right.
  • You knew that you never should have agreed to work with that client. You felt it when you did your intake call, but you needed the money so you decided to work with her anyway. Of course your gut was right and now you need to fire her. What do you say?

These are the 10 Letters You’ll Get in this Kit:

You will receive the following 10 documents in .doc version so that you can add your logo and customize them for your own use in working with your clients. Then you or your virtual assistant can send them out when they’re needed!

Monthly Rate Increase Letter/Email

Letter to clients letting them know that you are increasing your monthly rates.

Problem Clients Termination Letter/Email

Letter to send to clients who you no longer want to work with for whatever reason.

New Client Refusal Letter/Email (Refer to Your Other Programs)

Letter to send to people who want to work with you but they’re not ready for 1:1 coaching. This letter will help you refer them to your other programs, such as group coaching, or your book, or digital product.

Clients Who Waste Your Time Termination Letter/Email

Letter to send to clients who are not showing up to do the work and they’re not making progress.

New Client Refusal Letter/Email (Refer to Another Coach)

Letter to send to people who want to work with you 1:1 but they are not a good fit for you. This letter will help you  to refer them to someone else.

Client Boundaries Letter/Email

Letter to send to your clients when they overstep your boundaries outside of agreed upon contract.

Cancellation Recovery Letter/ Email

Letter to send to your client asking for feedback on why they cancelled and if there’s a way that you can continue working with each other.

Client Missed Appointment Letter/Email

Letter to send to clients who schedule a call and then don’t show up for it.

Refund Refusal Letters/Email (Credit Card)

Letter to send to your client after a client signs a contract for services and then changes their mind and requests a refund, or initiates a charge-back on payment.

Refund Refusal Letters/Emails (PayPal)

Letter to send to your client after a client signs a contract for services and then changes their mind and requests a refund, or initiates a dispute on payment.

+ You’ll Also Get

9 Done-for-You Emails to Help You Collect Money Owed from Your Clients

In all coaching relationships there comes a time when you have to have stressful payment talks with your clients…

Sometimes coaching is easy and fun, and you have the best clients in the world!
But then there are times when you have to put on your CEO hat and deal with difficult client situations – like getting paid…

How do you talk to your clients about their failed/declined payments without embarrassing them?

How do you respond to a payment arrangement request from your client?

How do you request payment when a client cancels their payment plan subscription before all agreed upon payments have been processed?

The first step is to reach out to them with a letter/email to open up the conversation and get the ball rolling to a peaceful + happy resolution that works for both you and your client.

And we’ve done all the hard work for you with our done-for-you payment letters!

These are the 9 Letters You’ll Get in this Kit:

You will receive the following 9 documents in .doc version so that you can add your logo and customize them for your own use in working with your clients. Then you or your virtual assistant can send them out when they’re needed!

Past Due Letter/Email

Letter to send when your client when their payment is past due.

Declined Payment Letter/Email

Letter to send to your client when their payment has been declined.

Upcoming Membership Renewal Letter/Email

This is a letter to inform clients of upcoming renewal payments for high priced or annual programs.

Upcoming Membership Renewal Reminder Letter/Email

This is a letter to remind clients of upcoming renewal payments for high priced or annual programs.

Payment Plan Arrangement Letter/Email (Response to Client Request)

Letter to send to clients who have fallen behind on payments and have a balance owing on their account. This letter will break down two payment plan options that you can offer to your clients to settle their account.

Expired Credit Card Letter/Email

Letter to send to your client when their credit card has expired.

Payment Plan Contract Collection Letter/Email

Letter to send to your clients who cancel their payment plan subscription before all the agreed upon payments have been processed.

Insufficient Funds Letter/Email (PayPal)

Letter to send to your client when their payment comes back showing a lack of funds.

Failed Payment Follow Up Letter/Email

Letter to send to your client when their past due payment has not yet been submitted.

Get Instant Access to These 7 Packages to Help You Grow Your Business & Make Money!

Get This Bundle Today for Only $549 $297!

**Sorry, no refunds or substitutions for products you’ve already purchased**