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Beta Generic City 1.11

A large city with over 250km of roads

  1. jammin2222
    Some people have reported Loading issues with the map. I don't have an answer yet, but I do know the map loads fine for me and others. Some Ryzen users have reported 20+ minute loading times, and others don't have a problem. I assume there is a problem on their end that needs fixing. The map isn't putting any errors in the log, so there is nothing to try and fix as far as I can see. Please try the usual troubleshooting tips such as clearing cache, disabling mods, checking integrity of game files. It is also possible that the download got corrupted, as some people have PM'ed me saying the download keeps failing or is very slow. (That is beyond my control)
    I will continue to look for a solution, but I have nothing else to try right now. Please note that the map is large and has lots of stuff to load. Loading times for me are less than 90 seconds, so make of that what you will.
    If you have any helpful troubleshooting suggestions feel free to comment on the Generic City thread here:

    This is my updated version of Generic City.​
    You may have played on this map in the past, or you may even have an old copy. If you do have an old version I would recommend removing it and any cached files relating to it before installing this.

    Generic City is a large city consisting of a bunch of modular sections arranged in various ways. It has plenty of ways to kill vehicles.
    There are long straights with jumps, a highway running around the city and dirt trails leading to various farms. There is a basic landing strip/airport and various areas with industrial buildings, sky scrapers and housing estates.
    There are 5 scenarios to try too.
    It's not the best looking map ever made, but it dose loosely resemble a city.
    Whats new?
    • I added roads for the AI traffic.
    • I fixed the scenarios. (I can't remember if I managed to upload the old version with scenarios)
    • I converted all materials into .dds to reduce the file size a lot.
    • I removed a heap of bloat.
    • I added a bunch of spawn locations to choose from.
    • I corrected a lot of errors
    • I properly set anything with a collision mesh to actually use it. (The things left on visible mesh are intentional)
    • Other small tweaks I can't think of at the moment.
    I hope you get some enjoyment out of this(If you manage to load it):)

    pv1.png pv2.png pv3.png pv4.png pv5.png pv6.png pv7.png pv8.png pv9.png pv10.png pv11.png pv12.png pv13.png pv14.png pv15.png pv16.png pv17.png

Recent Updates

  1. Minor bug fixes, and clean up.

Recent Reviews

  1. beans01
    Version: 1.11
    I was reading that some Ryzen users were having trouble but for me this works great (also having traffic enabled). Idk if it matters what i have but i have a AMD Ryzen 7 5700G. *awsome map btw*
  2. bugatyi lover
    bugatyi lover
    Version: 1.11
    cant get on to the map
  3. SuperAgentAlex
    Version: 1.11
    great map but it lags SO BAD, I'd recommend packing the city blocks into just a few meshes to improve performance since there's probably hundreds on the map right now.
  4. potwor12
    Version: 1.11
    very fun but traffic is kinda odd, especially on highways
  5. BradTheInhaler420
    Version: 1.11
    I had to remove the Barn from the forests and the actual barns colision data. Before I did that I was getting 33 minute load times at best. The BARN!!! I pulled that out and it went down to 1.05 min load time. YOUR WELCOME!!
  6. Hank_Montgomery
    Version: 1.11
    The shadows are flickering for some reason, needs optimization, but still kinda fun!
  7. TMccanna
    Version: 1.11
    great mod but loadtimes are LOOOOOOOOOOONG. obviously not a issue with our games its an issue with how big and unoptimized this map is but whatever if/when it loads its pretty good
  8. Driveline Animations
    Driveline Animations
    Version: 1.11
    ooookay... The map is good, really good but it has one issue that honestly ruins it completely. The load times, if it doesn't start moving within 5 seconds, then it will never move. I've set it to load before leaving, 7 hours later and it's right where I left it. I think the new update may have screwed it over. My pc is more than capable of running this map so this should be looked into imo.
  9. Puycho Puychev
    Puycho Puychev
    Version: 1.11
    Can you please add a policestation, hospital and a fire department? And it would be nice if there was a naval "base" next to the sea. That would be epic. And can you please add a NavMesh system for the bots to follow? I want to have traffic here. This is a very good map, and it has the potential to become THE best map. If you add all of these things.
  10. You now what? Fcku
    You now what? Fcku
    Version: 1.11
    It`s really good map, but bots in pursuit or escape mode any time they want to crash into a pole, which upsets. Because of this, the police chase on this map always ends with an instant accident of the fugitive.
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