Seattle ☔️ Vancouver

Seattle you guys were absolutely amazing  and I couldn’t have hoped for a better crowd for my last U.S. show. You were so bright and energetic and your voices were absolute music to my ears (all puns intended).

Thanks so much to our wonderful volunteers that got the word out about ending conversion therapy. You did an amazing job in Seattle Shelby, Gabriel, Billy, Kai, Skylar and Emilee! 


Now, up next – Vancouver, you are beautiful; I am so, so glad you gave me the absolute honour of rounding out my Bloom tour with you. 

I’m so grateful we got to have our friends from QMUNITY with us to close out the tour. They are a non-profit organization based in Vancouver that works tirelessly to improve queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives through providing safer space for LGBTQ/2S people and their allies to fully self-express while feeling welcome and included. They offer amazing resources through services for both youth and older adults and free STI walk-in clinic. I’d encourage you lot to go check them out if you’re in the area any time, they’re absolutely amazing.

Massive thanks to our lovely volunteers throughout all of tour, you guys helped us gain thousands upon thousands of signatures total all across the U.S. and even Canada to help end conversion therapy! This is a cause that is so dear to me and to my friends over at The Trevor Project and The Ally Coalition, so, I hope you guys stay involved with these organisations and continue to help in our activism for equality regardless of one’s identities.

Thank you to our lovely last show volunteers. Brittney, Koby, Ranjeet, Leanne, Juliette. You guys absolutely smashed it with the amount of signatures you got, and I thank you endlessly for your tireless work and support.


P.S. Go check out the auction I have going on with Pandora and The Ally Coalition! My first ever artwork is up for auction here on eBay until November 17th and I’d be so, so glad to see you lot get your hands on it.  All proceeds will go to benefit The Ally Coalition. They do some amazing work for our community, and I’m happy that my work is going to help out their cause.

Portland ☕️

Thanks so much for having us, Portland.

We didn’t get to have anyone table with us last night, so, instead, I wanted to talk to you guys about this awesome organisation I’m sure you’ve heard of called The Trevor Project. They are an amazing organisation that provides crisis intervention for LGBTQ+ folx. I’ve partnered with them for many things over the years and I personally am very thankful for them. They are helping with the initiative to end conversion therapy and along with The Ally Coalition, are the organisations backing up our volunteer team every night as they go get signatures. Be sure to go browse through their websites and get familiarised with some of the supportive resources they have available such as a suicide hotline and support center for all LGBTQ+ related inquiries.

Shoutout to our incredible volunteers that worked to end conversion therapy. You guys are amazing and inspire me each night. Thank you Isabella, Sam, Drake, Jake and Arjun. I heard amazing things about this crew and how they drove in and went above a beyond to make it good time for everybody.


Can’t believe we only have one US show left! See you next, Seattle.

San Francisco 🌉

So we made our way upstate and rounded out the California leg with the ever-lovely San Fran! We got to play there twice and have some amazing friends with us.

We got to have Larkin Street Youth Services table with us both days and had an amazing time!! Since they were established, Larkin Street have given the local community facing housing insecurity a safe place to rebuild their lives. They provide housing, education and employment training, and health and wellness aid to help young people get off the street for good. One of their amazing programs I’d like to highlight is the Castro Youth Housing Initiative, a housing program for young people who identify as LGBTQ. You can check out more about programs they put on right here.


Thanks so much to our SF volunteers. Your hard work has paid off so much in getting people involved in the fight against conversion therapy, and I was so happy to have you lot around. Thanks to Nadine, Maggie, Curt, Mario, Jessy, Joanne, Joseph, Moe, Bree and Seth.


SoCal 🔆

I had the most amazing time going all around Southern California. Beautiful beaches, beautiful weather, beautiful people. We arrived here just in time for the Boy Erased premier.

I had the most amazing time playing for San Diego, Anaheim and LA. Time has flown by with the Bloom tour, I can’t believe we’re so damn close to wrapping up the North American leg. I’ll never be able to thank you enough, I don’t think I’ll ever really be able to process it but just know I never, ever take the platform you’ve given me for granted. Thank you.

We had our great friends from The LGBT Center of Orange County. At the Center, all members of the OC LGBTQ+ are welcome. Their programs focus on empowering others to speak out against hate towards the community. The Center provides services to everyone regardless of background with programming specifically geared for everyone across a wide range of the spectrum. They put on programs for Spanish-speaking members of the LGBT community and LGBT families, so, be sure to go check those out if you’re in the area!


Thanks so much to our lovely volunteers who came out in the first portion of our California run - Alexander, Christian, Matt, Kyle, Angel, Christopher, Lauren, Jasmine, Charles, Nadine, Taulima, Tracy, Anthony, Adri, Sarah, Kaitlin, Keela, Amber, Matt, Kendra, Roberto, Alex, Justin.

Thank u San Fran!!!
Portland u next!!!Thank u San Fran!!!
Portland u next!!!Thank u San Fran!!!
Portland u next!!!Thank u San Fran!!!
Portland u next!!!Thank u San Fran!!!
Portland u next!!!Thank u San Fran!!!
Portland u next!!!

Thank u San Fran!!!

Portland u next!!!

We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it!

We’ve had this cute lil Bloom frame with us at some of the tour stops so I thought I’d share some photos of you guys with it! 

Chicago 🌬 and Milwaukee 🧀

So I’m back in California and I have a few shout outs we missed along the way due to a crazy schedule!

Chicago was insane. I can’t believe we actually had to open up more tickets ‘cos the venue got sold out. Though we weren’t able to have them tabling at the show, your immensely kind donations will be going to Howard Brown Youth Center in Chicago. They are an amazing organization that provides aid and resources to local LGBTQ+ youth experiencing housing insecurities, covering everything from medical to mental health care services and vocational opportunities. Be sure to take a gander at their volunteering opportunities here!

Big, big thank you to our volunteers Abigail, Adrian, Ryan, Mary, Sai and Julia. I’m so, so thankful you volunteered your time and effort to help us work towards ending conversion therapy!


And Wisconsin!! This was my second time ever playing for you, and I can’t wait for the next go. There’s something to be said for midwestern hospitality, you lot were so kind.

We had the awesome opportunity to have MKELGBT Community Center at the show with us. They serve the needs of LGBTQ people with efforts to make their area safer and more inclusive. They focus on anti-violence, healthy relationships, counseling, Youth & Elder Adult programming and even more. Be sure to check out their list of resources they’ve compiled right here.

Lucky us, we were joined by Headcount both nights. There have been recent efforts by the current U.S. administration to implement hateful policies against trans folx and erase both their rights and identities through taking back their health care, housing, education and fair treatment. It’s imperative to ensure you are registered to vote now more so than ever to fight back against this for the well-being of our transgender brothers, sisters and nonbinary siblings, so, please be sure to do so if you haven’t already.

Shoutout to our volunteers Sundance, Miguel, Louie, McKenzie, Natalie and Abbie. You guys did an amazing job, thank you for being with us!


Looking forward to the LA show in just a few days!


Hi guys,

Last night we got the amazing opportunity to play Comerica Theatre in Phoenix last night. It was really incredible. 

We had the awesome OneNTen with us in the lobby, and if you didn’t get to say hello, let me introduce you: They are a Phoenix-based organisation that serves LGBTQ youth and young adults. They provide their community with empowering social and service programs that promote self‐expression, self‐acceptance, leadership development, and healthy life choices. That’s so very important to learn about when you’re our age, and I think that they’re doing an absolutely incredible job with everything they do.

We also had Headcount with us, and as midterm elections are coming up for the States, it’s so very important to get yourself registered! Be double and triple sure to ensure you are registered and peek at their website for some of their resources.


As always, thank you to our lovely volunteers. We had a full team with Emily, Cassandra, Joseph, Roberto, Ali, Ryan, Jonatan and Henry helping us out in raising awareness about ending conversion therapy. We were so glad to have you, and you did an incredible job.

You’re up next, California <3

Denver 🌄

Colorado, your beauty never ceases to amaze me. The night before last we got to play Fillmore Auditorium. The biggest indoor venue for GA in all of Colorado. How absolutely incredible is that?

I want to thank our amazing partner One Colorado for being with us. They approach LGBTQ advocacy by lobbying directly with lawmakers for safe spaces, safe schools, and equality. Colorado has a ton of organizations that are doing amazing work, but it hasn’t always been this way. It’s so good to tour in such tolerant and open places.

Our volunteers were incredible, as always. The fight to end conversion therapy is so very near and dear to me at the moment, and I’m so glad that you guys keep volunteering your time and effort to support our community this way. Thanks so much to Reagan and Sylvia. We had a small but mighty crew! You guys absolutely killed it.


See you tonight Phoenix.

Minneapolis 💜

Minneapolis was wild last night, no, crazy. Doves cried and we partied like it was 1999. OK, done with the Prince jokes for now. 

While i’ve got purple on my mind, let’s talk Spirit Day. Are you going purple today? If you do, and I hope you do, it’s you chance to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ students who report facing bullying just for being themselves. The purple in the pride flag 🏳️‍🌈 represents spirit. 

Last night we had The Bridge For Youth in the lobby. They help LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness by providing a 24-hour hotline, crisis shelter, family counseling, transitional programs, ongoing support services and rental housing. They’ve done some amazing things for the Minneapolis community, and I was so glad to be able to have them around last night. Check out their opportunities for involvement here.

Our amazing tour partners from Headcount were also present. Minnesota’s a critical state, and everyone over at Headcount wants to make sure the youth makes their voice heard.

Massive thank you as usual to our helpful volunteers Elul, Deshawn, Ryan, Kristalena, Rachel and Marjery 🎆


Next stop: Chicago <3


BOSTONNNNN! I didn’t forget about you guys.

We had some very special guests in the house—our partnering organisation for the night was a completely student run shelter called Y2Y. They do incredible community service by providing the local youth experiencing homelessness a place to rest and guide them on paths to success by connecting them with some amazing resources. Be sure to get involved with them here if possible!


The lovely people of Y2Y. Aren’t they cute?

Our trusty friends Headcount came out, too. The reason we’ve been so keen on registering voters this tour is that you all have the power to make equality in America a reality. While I was just in Boston for a night, the entire state of Massachusetts is about to have a big choice to make on Nov. 6 that could impact the freedom of LGBTQ residents. It’s a referendum on an existing law that allows transmen and transwomen to use the bathroom of their choosing. If it’s repelled, it strips away that right and sets everyone back on the fight for equality.

If you’re a registered voter in Mass, all you have to do is look out for Question 3 on the ballot. Check out Freedom For All Massachusetts for more info. Vote Yes on 3!!

Minnesota tonight!!!!!!!!

Minnesota tonight!!!!!!!!

Toronto 🍁

This will be short and sweet today.

Firstly, thank you for welcoming me to the 6! TO is so much fun and I wish we could have stayed longer. On the plus side, we did get to do a meet and greet. I love it when that happens.

We didn’t have a local partner for this stop, so it was just me and my Ally Coalition crew. Speaking of which, they arrived super stylish and way hip. They also did not come to play and got a whopping 645 of you to take actions toward ending conversion therapy!!

Last night alone they got Toronto to send 900 texts :)


Like I said, it was major. Thank you Kathryn, Lucas, Laura, Skyler, and Alexia for helping out! My crew and I were