June 1, 2024

Planting the Skylands Terrace 2024

My large “iced terrace” at Skylands, my home overlooking Seal Harbor, is brimming with beautiful, green plant life once again.

Every year, I like to spend the Memorial Day weekend up in Maine planting all the large outdoor urns, pots, and planters. It is quite an undertaking, but it's become a fun tradition especially with the group that accompanies me. Many of the tropical specimens are stored in hoop houses at my Bedford, New York farm during winter, and then carefully loaded onto a trailer and delivered to Skylands for the summer months. As soon as I arrive there, I design the layout of where things will go, and we all get to work.

Enjoy these photos.

May 31, 2024

Planting Tomatoes

Tomatoes, Solanum lycopersicum, have long been one of America’s favorite garden vegetables. Those bold red, sun-ripened tomatoes bring on the taste of summer with every bite. And, they’re filled with excellent antioxidants and vitamins.

Just a handful of healthy plants can produce a bounty of delicious fruits within six to eight weeks. The best time to plant tomatoes is when daytime temperatures are consistently above 65-degrees Fahrenheit. This week, the weather here at my farm has been perfect, so my gardeners planted our tomato crop - 120-plants. Many of them were grown from seed right here in my greenhouse. I also have tomato plants gifted to me by a friend, and some from one of our trusted growers. They're all doing excellently in my new large half-acre garden.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

May 30, 2024

Planting Hydrangeas

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, I have several allées of trees - they look so beautiful and dramatic along the carriage roads, between the horse paddocks, and beside the antique fencing.

In landscaping, an allée, or an avenue, is traditionally a straight path or road with a line of trees or large shrubs running along each side. In most cases, the trees planted are the same species or cultivar, so as to give a uniform appearance along the full length of the allée. One allée is planted along the carriage road to the woodland. I started with a selection of London plane trees and then planted about 100 royal purple smoke bushes, Cotinus coggygria. Next, I added crepe myrtle, Lagerstroemia. This week, I decided to plant dozens of bright and colorful hydrangeas from the Endless Summer Collection by Bailey Nurseries.

Here are some photos, enjoy.