PBS Space Time

Creating Astrophysics Videos

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  • 501 posts
  • $23,970/month

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Asteroid Impact
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Solar Flare
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Space Time Wallpaper! You get access to the Discord AND high-res wallpaper uploaded every two months
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Join the Livestream! Each month Matt hosts a patron-only livestream where you can ask all your burning physics (and non-physics) questions. It's fun to try and stump him!
Gamma Ray Burst
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Your Name in the Description! We'll thank you by name in the description of every episode, as long as you're a patron at this level! Plus all previous rewards!
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Hang out with the Team! You're invited to join the monthly livestream via video so you can ask all your space and physics questions in real time face-to-face! AND you'll be credited on-screen at the end of each episode.
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You are Galactically Awesome! You are a bonafide Space Time sponsor! We'll give you a shout-out after two months of commitment and thank you on-screen in the credits of every video for as long as you're a patron at this level. Plus all previous rewards!
The Big Bang
 / month

You are Emperor of Space Time! After two months of support you'll get a one-on-one half-hour video chat with Matt to ask all of your burning astrophysics questions or to chat about the weather, it's up to you. We also shout you out big-time on the show with an extra special message! 

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PBS Space Time

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