
Creating videos examining the claims of Christians.

  • 617 members
  • 341 posts

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Intro to Paulogetics
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You're officially a patron! My sincere gratitude from behind a cartoon blinking stare, and access to the exclusive patron-only feed of thoughts, previews and discussion.
  • Discord access 
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Bachelor of Paulogetics
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Along with gratitude, and access to the patron-only feed... your name in the credits of at least one video per month. More often, if reasonable depending on number of patrons.
  • Discord access 
Master of Paulogetics
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Along with gratitude, and access to the patron-only feed... after a full month at this level, I'll turn you into a custom Paulogia-style cartoon and that cartoon will appear in at least one video per month on-going. I'll send an electronic version of the image for you to use as you like.
  • Discord access 
Doctorate of Paulogetics
 / video
Along with gratitude, patron feed, custom cartoon, you'll be at the top of the credits list at the end of my videos... and some other bonuses I'm working on. Upon request, we'll figure out a way to direct-connect with each other for feedback.
  • Discord access 

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