Robotic Vacuums with auto fill and drain docks ultimate goal of a robotic mop and vacuum is for it to keep your floors spotless without you ever needing to touch it, and the newest innovation is automatic fill and drain kits to directly connect your robotic vacuum into your plumbing system, meaning no weekly emptying and refilling mop water containers, but are these automated systems really the future or do ...

Ultimate Gaming Projector Comparison you’re a gamer and you’re wondering if a gaming focused projector is that much different than every other projector on the market, they are, and this video is for you. I’ve got five of the most highly recommended gaming projectors on the market and in this completely unsponsored video I’ll be putting them through a huge range of tests first to figure out if ...

$50 vs $12,000 Projectors Side by Side || Budget vs Performance Comparisons wondered how much better a $1000 DLP projector is than a $250 Single LCD? What about a $3000 ultra short throw vs a $12,000 JVC? And which budget sweet spots get you the most for your money?Today we’re going to take all the top-rated projectors from my unsponsored review videos and put them head-to-head to see what features and performance you can expect by ...