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Mind-blowing rope skipping

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Award winner for most annoying fake camera movement

u/nickcavesghost avatar

Reminds me of when they see Pennywise dance in IT.


It's fkng lazy town all over again.

u/karmagod13000 avatar

just when you thought it was over

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That's what they said at Tammany Hall

Historical deja vu or just a glitch in the matrix right?

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u/fooflam avatar

Really glad I'm not the only one.

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Here is the video stabilized:

I am not a bot. You can't report an issue.

u/50thEye avatar

Thank you! It's so much nicer to watch and also way more impressive.

Doing God's work over here.

u/Weasel_Spice avatar

u/gin-and-pussyjuice truly is a scholar and gentleman.

I’ll drink to that!

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Good not a bot

u/7U5K3N avatar

yoke selective stocking wasteful enjoy narrow ad hoc impolite zephyr cheerful

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

We're really far behind, only watched the first two seasons but it's been a while and we need to catch back up.

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Why are humans so negative? Out of all the comments, this is the top comment. Someone criticising something irrelevant instead of praising how awesome the actions of the lady in the video were

She’s awesome enough. The fake camera movements make it harder to watch and appreciate, while adding nothing positive. Most content creators would want to know if they’re unknowingly doing something that is ruining their content.

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Maybe a bunch of people in the video editing field downvoted it. I downvoted and wanted to talk about the edit before I even focused on what she was doing.

In other words the a/v editing is so outrageously annoying that people completely missed her talent

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u/Bolaf avatar

Irrelevant? A video is two things, composition and content. Someone expressing a common view on the composition is not irrelevant.

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Reddit is the ultimate crabs in a bucket. Most People on here are miserable envious hateful and just overall negative about life and have no fear projecting that due to the anonymity protection Reddit provides.

u/OnceMoreAndAgain avatar

Human brain is evolved to provide criticisms when there won't be a "social penalty" for it, because it's an altruistic way of helping us improve our chance to pass on our genes. I realize that sounds crazy, but it's true.

By "social penalty", I just mean that you probably wouldn't walk up to a stranger in real life who is doing something mildly wrong like shaking their cell phone while shooting a video. The criticism might enter your head, but you wouldn't speak the criticism, because you're not anonymous in that setting and you don't want to risk harming your relationship with that person.

On reddit, we're completely anonymous and so there is no social penalty for sharing the criticism. So we share it. Maybe someone like you would still feel "bad" about sharing the criticism, because in your mind you think that constructive criticism provides negative feelings to others and you don't want others to feel bad. However, some people appreciate and desire constructive criticism, so imo it's a matter of preference.

And why share criticisms? Because each of us is limited in our own ability to perceive our mistakes. We can realize a decent chunk of our mistakes, but inevitably we'll make mistakes that we won't be aware we're making unless someone tells us. And so we all are evolved to share criticisms when we can get away with it for no cost to ourselves, because when a society criticizes each other then we all improve and that improves our chances to find a mate, survive, be prosperous, etc. A little shaking video criticism might not make sense when I put such a big scope on things, but it's directly due to how the human brain is evolved to work.


rather, this is what happens when people just consume fast-paced media all day. you're not a creator, your source of dopamine is just consumption. It makes a lot of people jaded and negative towards anything that disrupts the flow of dopamine.


There's no way I would have even noticed those camera movements unless they were mentioned... and they're still not annoying. She's very talented

u/Sixbiscuits avatar

Are you vision impaired?

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And most annoying fake audio movement.

Fake camera movement and zooming is probably supposed to go with the fake dubbed music.

It isn't supposed to be camera movement.. it's motion tracking and people go for that look on purpose

But this is shit

wth was even that


Almost annoying as the audio. I can't tell if it's a bad cover or they've mangled the original.

And worst sped up song that still doesn’t match tempo

The song stressed me out

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Something is very SUS about this clip

She’s actually this good. There’s world champion contests in jumping rope. She’s won multiple times.


u/karmagod13000 avatar



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What’s her instagram

Tori Boggs. She’s legit.

u/Icy-Fix785 avatar

Is she the person who drank like a hundred beers in a plane on her way to some competition out west?

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u/JustFergal avatar

Her name is Tori Boggs.

Her name is Robert Paulson

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Joe Bloggs

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No no no it's skipping rope now, apparently

Competitive jump rope. It’s been a thing around the world in 30+ countries for years now. There are world championships and everything

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Yea where I live (Australia) they are called skipping ropes.

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•super sus


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u/SpinachFinal7009 avatar

What’s SUS?

u/jamiedoes avatar


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u/karmagod13000 avatar

something about the video

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how come?

edit: im sorry i was too focused on the rope and the editing and im legally stupid im sorry

Take your eyes off the girl and look at the wall behind her

I can't believe I missed bigfoot walking across the background again.

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I just did and waited for the wall to move or something. 3 tries later I actually read the wall. Is it too early to go back to bed?

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Where are the knee scrapes/burns 😭


Jiu jitsu guy here. You stop developing them after years of getting mat burn.

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Me, after the first skip

I couldn't even jump into a double-dutch when I was a kid

My knees hurt

Not as much as Pennywise’s. The movement she made from 2 to 4 seconds reminded me of this:

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I can visualize scalping myself if I tried it while having hair as long as hers...

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praise the cameraman, kill the editor

u/karmagod13000 avatar

they had to tik tokify it

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Also kill the person who remixed Be My Girl into that monstrosity.

Not that Jet isn't a generic rock band at the end of the day, but damn that version is so much worse.

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My phones camera does some sort of autofocus thing when it takes a video. It's annoying when I forget that function is on, but I'd imagine that what she's using

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She let go of one handle and grabbed it again after a turn. That is amazing.

I had to double triple check that, amazing indeed.

The mic release is not that hard. Source: been trying for a year and still can't do it :,(

I think releasing it is probably the easiest thing to do. It’s catching it again afterwards that’s the difficult bit.

Definitely. I have a nice release now and looks... ahmm, symmetrical... but still not able to catch it. But I'll keep practicing. Meanwhile, I think I already mastered the EB =)

This guy…

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u/CatVideoFest avatar

That one I don’t get. That seems like the hardest part by far!

Right?? How'd I have to scroll down so far for this comment?

After watching her this was exactly my reaction. All the other moves were impressive but keeping it going without holding one end blew my mind a little.

u/VentriTV avatar

What handle? Let go of what? Huh? I must have missed something, was she doing something in the video?

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u/Otiswilmouth avatar

The filming of this makes me feel like I’m watching a Bollywood movie.

u/howmanyturtlesdeep avatar

On that note I have a question. Is the whole every Bollywood movie breaks out into a musical that breaks the fourth wall where they look into the camera stemming from the Hindu spiritual belief that we are all actually Brahman playing hide and go seek with itself?

u/Otiswilmouth avatar

Couldn’t tell you dawg, I’m just a white dude who’s best friends family is from India so I’ve been exposed to the culture for 15+ years.

I think you could definitely make a cultural point about self-awareness and hindu motifs, however I feel like the connection is very far back. I don't believe the two in contemporary times are all that connected unless the film happened to be addressing that.

A lot of asian philosophies involve the idea of the whole splitting into the many to amuse itself, but it is not so similary present in other media.

imo it's more of a "musical" thing. It is a very cheesy and honest genre that leans into the experience of a theatre performance, rather than a totally immersive character driven drama.

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I’m guessing the camera is being controlled or edited by an AI based on the jerky centering.

The original footage is stable, they've done all the zooms and movements in post-production.

u/karmagod13000 avatar

thank god 4 year olds are gonna love that edit

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Makes me so uncomfortable having her stare into the camera like that

u/karmagod13000 avatar

staring into your soul

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u/its_large_marge avatar

With a dead smile.

It's cheerleader creepy.

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So that’s what my upstairs neighbor has been doing.

Quietest and most respectful upstairs apartment neighbor

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u/jamiedoes avatar

More credits deserved for doing this with a hoodie and long hair getting mixed with the rope

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u/apathetic_ocelot avatar

I can't even do that without the rope

Lmao finally a good laugh 😂

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Pffft… I could do that easy

(I definitely cannot)

u/Imaginary_Button_533 avatar

stuffing Cheetos in my mouth

Yeah fucking easy as shit, jump rope is for little kids

Jokes aside I haven't heard that song in years, what a banger.

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That’s insane, the rope isn’t even that long.

u/Aerolithe_Lion avatar

She does that intentionally so she can spin it faster

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That force pull she gives the rope seem freaking unreal

Her name’s Tori Boggs, a 30+ time world champion.

u/ShazbotSimulator2012 avatar

Do they hold the world championships every month or something?

How is someone that young a 30 time world champion?

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u/_jonk avatar

So I noticed that lot of jump rope “stunt” people do this. And I don’t even think it’s bad, it’s just part of jump roping. But when she drops to one knee it’s like “holy shit, the time is so tricky, how impressive she got it under her knee like that”.

But a lot of times they just don’t, like in this case she just kind of flings the rope to the side. The fact that you have to slow it down to notice I think is fine, it’s about flair more than anything, and it works in that regard. Makes me wonder if I should just do more things with flair and people will think I’m doing something cooler than I am.

u/Aerolithe_Lion avatar

But you can take the one time she did something flashy and 1-up it with an insane stunt many didn’t even notice:

About 2/3rds the way through the video she throws one of the handles out and it whips back into her hand so flawlessly you almost couldn’t even tell she did it. Thats bonkers

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I just tripped over my laces…

u/Eharmz avatar

Reminds me of being on my elementary schools jump rope team. Oh the glory days.

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She doesn't skip rope day...

This deserves more upvotes...

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u/Cool-Link-2249 avatar

Who is she?

u/Aerolithe_Lion avatar

Tori Boggs

Tori Boggs, jump rope champ. I follow her on Instagram and it’s entertaining.

Ayn Rand

u/One_Animator_1835 avatar

Morgan Freeman

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I feel inadequate.


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Yes, I had a child

u/EvilWaterman avatar

I could do that, I just don’t want to…

u/karmagod13000 avatar

this like some 80's high school drama level energy

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I bet her name is Becky

No it's Soquetious Phister

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That was I tired to jump rope many times and failed....pure talent

(slowly attempts to skip rope, trips, eats asphalt, $8000 dentist visit) easypeasy

u/Unhappy-Cartoonist-3 avatar

Lol go to hood you see girl younger than doing this lol

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u/ifknlovela avatar

All you guys are talking about the editing and camera movements and I’m just over here day dreaming about being young again… just thinking the pain I would feel from even attempting this sad lol



Now, do it in the freeweight section to make sure everyone else knows

u/ExpertSpecific3266 avatar

anyone wondering- snorib on instw

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u/prinnydewd6 avatar

Worst song ever

Ngl I was hoping for the rope to somehow slide her hair off, like fruit ninja… anyone else?

what is the style of filming called?

u/LR1192 avatar


u/EngineCertain1189 avatar

I've seen her video after like 4 years!!

Guarantee her name is Bridget or Windsor

u/ritzbits123 avatar

Jesus Christ. I can barely bend down to tie my shoes.

Zero gravity pony tail.

Why would they change the song like that…

Do me Yo-yo master, I want you to DO ME

u/evil_burrito avatar

The pony tail is perfectly calibrated in length.

This is one of those talents that I could never acquire yet am simultaneously unimpressed by.

I swear people just keep getting more super human, the older I get

u/NicestRedditer avatar

Ok kool, but now what lol

Equally mind-blowing: smiling while doing it.

is it……frowned upon… frown while you’re skipping rope? (not only was it intended, the pauses were for extra dramatic effect)


"Euro training, Euro training.... ONE!"

She's got crazy eyes.

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She's back!


Kerri Colby found quaking.

u/UnauthorizedFart avatar

I can easily do that, next

Yeah well, when I stand up my knees sound off like a bowl of Rice Krispies, soooo...yeah. Who's cooler now.

Meanwhile I can't even get three rotations without whipping myself on the back of the neck then crying in pain for 30 seconds.

u/Maxyphlie avatar



u/Tall-Assignment7183 avatar

Is rope culture real?

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Great hair management.

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Her name is Tori Boggs and she is amazing

u/Chillin_Maximus avatar


Wow! Amazing! I wish I could do that!

u/BassGuitarPlayer_1 avatar

I'm losing weight just watching this.

u/ragnarokda avatar

They always make it look so fun and easy but I all I can think about is the massive wedgie I'd have

u/Chiaki_Ronpa avatar

The hair toss at the very end is so satisfying. She knows she crushed it.


Do a flip

Good? Sure. Mind-blowing? Not exactly

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u/rochvegas5 avatar

Two of my kids were in a competitive jump rope team. There were some amazing athletes

There is no rope....

Mid tbh

Can’t wait for this “action” feature to go away

I’m I the only one sick and tired of this trend where the camera zooms in and out constantly ?

When she let go of one, it looked like a ghost was like: “I gotcha don’t worry!”

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