Beyond Ghibli

creating in-depth videos about anime

  • 484 members
  • 205 posts
  • $656.5/month

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Beyond Grateful
 / month

Thank you for supporting Beyond Ghibli!! By pledging you'll get access to the following rewards:

- Voting on what I tackle next.

- Early Access: watch my videos two days before everyone else.

- Behind the Scenes: blog posts and cut-content.
- Access to a Patron-exclusive Discord server.

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Beyond Generous
 / month
You have my gratitude, and with it your place in the credits of each video produced for as long as you pledge, along with access to all other tier rewards. Thank you!

- Name in the credits of videos.
- Recommend me a manga every year for Patron Picked Purchases!
- Access to all previous reward tiers.
Beyond Giving
 / month

This is the upper limit of what I think is a reasonable pledge, unless you’re incredibly comfortable financially speaking. This tier is solely for the people who want to fund the future of this channel, and who feel that kind of investment is reward enough. 

- Access to all previous reward tiers.
- A warm, fuzzy feeling.

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Beyond Ghibli

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